Jinx´s NewsPaper

Publicēts Portugal - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 29 Nov 2016 11:38 - 1

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/253213970276548608/253243869909483523/logo-resize.pngOrder For Chaos The International Miltary Unit created in Portugal one week ago with the idea of one small but efficient unit    . 
Ajken (The Creator And Commander ) had the patience to answer to these questions . 

In what Place on The Military Units List is OFC ?

We currently are in the 244º place . 

Would You Help Portugal if we needed ?

Of Course We Would .

Are You Mercenaries?

We didnt define that position yet . At this moment this is not our concern .The MU was created with the aim of making a cohesive and united group and help members grow stronger .I have enough financial fre to help and time will tell which way we will go .But the interests of Portugal will always be defended at the first place .

Did you made a deal with the President Of Portugal?

Before i created OFC i spoke with the Portuguese Government explaining my Idea and Objectives .And all of them accepted and helped me on this project 

Did you recieved financial help in the creation process of OFC ? 

I didnt recieved any and i dont mean too .OFC is a independent and self sustaining Project .

6.Where you called to an emergency ?
Not yet we are still organizing ourselfs 

Do you want to make OFC an example to show that Portugal is the strongest in the game?
My intention is to make OFC the best MU in the game at the level of union and organization, the interpersonal vertigo is the most important for me, above all I want the OFC members to find here a challenge and a place that makes their game More interesting and engaging

I know this could be in Portuguese but in the end i was too tired to put it in Portuguese XD .
Thank You AjKen for this amazing 1 hour interview XD 



Komentāri (1)

Bom esforço, Dragon. Votado. (nota: essas interrogativas precisam de ser limadas - Did+verbo principal no infinitive).