Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 11 Dec 2016 19:57 - 14

So what am I actually running on? I'm on a mission to multiply the loaves and fishes.
Newbies in this game are bored unless they're raving nationalists/from the balkans. That's why in these games the USA doesn't have the activity not to be conquered by someone else.
If you elect me I'll fight tooth, nail, and foreskin to bring more gold and things to do to people who are active but new to the game so we can recruit people.
I'll create an office of istance here we'll help people A) get loans for two months to start food/gun factories (The gap between raw and food prices is gigantic) and training yards and B) sell the things they produce. As far as I've been informed there's no international market channel, so why don't we, the diabolical home base of capitalism, start that up ourselves?
Since you can work multiple times for your own companies, the more you have the more productive you get.
I also want to do more fun things. When I wrote this there weren't any USA based articles but we have 1,000+ citizens, including our zombie and bot neighbors. There are 70 people who voted in the election here and 240 or something like that who did it in Turkey.
America might not be raving nationalists but we can probably get more 2 clickers involved in the community so they don't quit. If every day all you do is sign onto a game, hide all your inventory in the market because you're too cheap to buy storage, and click a couple of times the game gets a boring. Elect me and I'll bring a funded national lottery, probably a gold bracket for some browser games. I'll also set up some cards against humanity games if there's any interest. One way or another let's get more involved and do some things besides muddle along in this game until we become strong enough in 900 days to be tanks.
We might not be nationalistic enough to have baby booms and constant activity, but that just means that to keep people's attention we need to give them a helping hand and have some fun.
*** Also looking for a new newspaper name, PM with any suggestions. Also apparently I can't use apostrophes in articles.
WilfieKinyasspitfireYGCrazymonkey201ccccaaaaKomentāri (14)


New ideas and a sense of humour will probably get you banned from this game...or ostracised at the very least. And believe me, it sucks being treated like an ostrich. btw, it is possible to use commas in articles if you paste it from MS Word, for example (seemed to work for me).

Got it. I m going to remove all jokes tomorrow and make this entirely tasteless.
And thanks man. It s fine though. With 2,000 character comments I can just copy and paste the article with apostrophes into the comments section.

I guess I spoke too soon 

Good luck


Sounds like you re getting the hang of it. The blander, the better...and be sure to include patriotic article decorations like boring postcard pictures of scenery from your homeland, flags and coat-of-arms and more flags, and a snapshot or two of a nationalistic leader. You ll blend right in. ...the Cards Against Humanity idea does sound interesting though : )

Nice, good luck dude.

Good Luck Diesel

Good Luck o7

o7 Thanks everyone!

gl o7

GL. o7