Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 16 Dec 2016 10:36 - 39

Here are my 2 ideas : 

1. Make official alliances
- 2 countries can create an alliance
- There must be "alliance " tab in community section
- Country can enter the alliance throughout " alliance voting " ( same like political elections ) 
- Country can't leave the alliance in less than 3 months 
- Alliance can have  it's own treasury 
- Alliance can donate gold,weapons and food to players.
- Alliance must have special symbol which will be added to each country member on the world map.
- Voting for supreme commander,military commander etc..

2. Add Ambador function.
President of a country,congresmen,president of a party are not enough.
Add Ambadors so more players even the new ones can take part in some functions.
l Propose  : 
- Ambador medal
- Ambador voting ( same as the other elections  ) 
- Free newspaper for those who don't have.
- 1 month period 


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Komentāri (39)

Good ideas. voted
lepo Laugh
I like it
Signed. I like it
napadnite nas makedonci,dosadno je a vi se necete igrat!
well v
Dobra ideja.
good ideas, but will not be implemented
Great ideas o7
Good one
Ambassador medal pff no need to put more gold in the game already too much
Daddy liked it V + S
fix economySmile
Isnt good if country cant leave alliance before 3 month o7
@ScienTist - it s good so countries can be stopped from hopping alliances
good idea
S+V Although I do not agree with the point of having a treasure of its own for the alliance without further details. Something I like about this game is that there is no Org, something that in the other game served to win many golds of the multi-account. I m not saying that you have that intention, it s just a criticism that tries to be constructive.
- Country can t leave the alliance in less than 3 months Reduce it to 1 month (because MPP is 1 month, be logic) o7
MPP itself is alliance
I am not sure is every your suggestion good, but still all together are improvement for the game. Vote and support, someone must do Admins work, coss they are to busy with the playing the game on the various accounts :-(
What about the ambasador to be selected by the congress or president. And that Country can t leave the alliance in less than 3 months isn t good,cause the time is too much.Maybe 1 month or 2 weeks would be enough.
alliance donate gold? it will be place for a many clone i guaranted
Ideas for Plato 2.0 again...
Guys these are just support ideas the main ideas are official alliance and ambassadors, the details about them can be discused,new things can be added etc...
@Rapin the point of the 3 months period is to stop countries from changing alliance all over
Free newspaper to those that dont have it? Hahahhaha big important change. And forcing countries to be in same alliance for 3 months is nonesense, killing the dynamics of the game. Will never happen.
@PowerGirl stop your hating l said the main ideas are alliance and ambassadors,it s doesnt matter if it will be 1 or 3 months,or you care cause your goverment wants to hop alliance again ?
Also alliance donating gold and supplies to members increases the risk of laundering multi gold as vip1215 wrote. No need of ambassadors until game has large player base, with 4-5k players or even less, mofa can cover everything easily. Kids with imagination these days.
Good idea
If the game continue like this then there is no chance to gain more players so your excuse is not worth anything.