A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 07 Jan 2017 17:51 - 8


Date: 1/7/17
Author: Tom Killah
Today’s Topic(s):
1. Destination USA
2. Congrats to New Year

1. Destination USA
Are you looking for a new country? Well look no further! The United States is the place to be, whether you’re looking for low taxes, a strong economy, full bonuses, or a fun and active community! During the search for a new country, there are many factors that lead to a final decision, in this article we’ll look to address most - if not all - questions you may have.
-We have full 100/100/100 bonuses in our CORE regions. Not only do we have full bonuses in our cores, but we have more than we need in our 50 states, allowing us to rent several regions over to our allies with no impact on our bonuses.
-We will cover half of the costs for export licenses if you’re interested in selling your products in America, we’d love to have them!
-We have an exchange rate of 1 USD = 0.005g to encourage business growth
-We have Work Taxes at 1 USD for Citizens and 3 USD for Foreigners
-We have very low work taxes, medium-low import taxes to encourage importing goods, and we have very low VAT taxes to encourage business production, and higher wages.
-We are one of the top 3 countries in the world for producing goods, a great article to read can be found here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/20665
-We have two strong and good options for Military Units with Seal Team 6 (ST6) being recently restarted and Delta Force, which is currently our most active MU.
-We have Arm America (AA) program, which supplies all our citizens and in special cases, our allies with helis for our citizens to use in battles.
-We have constant battles, thanks to our TW with Canada, so there will be no shortage of BHs and TP medals for your taking!
Politics and Community:
-We have arguably the most organized and structured government in the entire world, ensuring no one person in government can be too powerful and protecting our country from foreign threats such as PTOs
-We also have a very fun, active, and creative community that led to the creation of eTwitter and Turnlords - note that these two are not tied to the government and are international entities.
-We have a very active political community, with very competitive and close elections that bring a fun and competitive spirit multiple times every month.

2. Congrats to the New Year
I know that it’s now been almost a whole week since New Year’s Day, but Happy New Year anyways! I’d also like to take this time to congratulate Ace/SpitfireYG on his election to CP. Here’s to another great term to start off this new month and new year!


The RedTricky DickLander villarealwdmiller159

Komentāri (8)

First for another great month! o7
o7 #AmericaIsLove #AmericaIsLife
o7 America the Beautiful
Tom of vpop o7
o7 good luck brothers
o7 America
I moved to USA a couple of weeks ago, and I confirm every single word. Friendly and fun community, lots of opportunities and a great country in the game (in RL too, of course :-).
Not import taxes...