Publicēts Turkey - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 13 Jan 2017 13:57 - 62
Today we witnessed another attempt from admins to game. They started giving CS to people manually after we DW Denmark. Considering relations of admins of game and Denmark, it is neutral.
But this is pushing the limit. At first, Camel Soft got Denmark CS manually. When we PMed Admins about him, they changed his citizenship to Hungary again. After that, Aztek got Denmark CS manually despite the fact that he went to Indonesia.

and than,
only 2 day

and only 1 day

This game is unfair.
Admins are interfering game to save their lands.
Enjoy playing it.
But this is pushing the limit. At first, Camel Soft got Denmark CS manually. When we PMed Admins about him, they changed his citizenship to Hungary again. After that, Aztek got Denmark CS manually despite the fact that he went to Indonesia.

and than,
only 2 day


and only 1 day

This game is unfair.
Admins are interfering game to save their lands.
Enjoy playing it.
lmperiusSultan Haydar BasATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTInglourious BasterdsMukhraniCaptain HarlockThe RedKomentāri (62)



yav he he

Komutan Logar bi baştan türkçe alabilirmiyiz ? Baştan ....
Unban Kinyas !

10/5=2 2 days after new CS, whats problem ?

Beyler, ağlayacaksanız oynamayalım bu nedir ya

*Unfair Game*.. An article written by the appropriate person 

Poor admin

tbh, admins shouldnt interfere


vay PedjaT gelmiş. ulan liseli ulan liseli.

don t cry after buy ukranian accounts and don t get any punishment about that

the game is unfair says lord of the bots XDXDXD

Guys buying accounts is not fair but not forbidden buy games rules right? In this situation, someone is violating rules and HIS NAME IS ADMIN or someone who have same authority... He is not destroying kinyas s rights, HE IS DESTROYING OUR RIGHTS, ALL OF US, INCLUDES KTAB, KINSC S RIGHTS! ARE YOU CRAZY?

I didnt meant to respond to this article, but sandžak you have bought account and you dont have right to speak about unfair game, let some other player publish this article, so we all will debate about it.

@Sultan did you checked the rules? Exchanging, selling or buying any content of eRevollution(accounts, gold, items, currencies, companies etc) that is traded with anything in another game is forbidden and may result in a permanent ban (of all concerned accounts).

@Sultan Haydar Bas taken from here Exactly what you say now, i said then. But then it was in favor of tr so they mocked on that. As I told you on the feeds, it s a boomerang situation. Once you tolerate it, you actually feed it.

huh, noone same situation was half year ago when admins moved players to Russia without permission from the President

@Agoria I didn t know that. But this make it worse... We should all gonna leave then... But on the other hand, how anybody can prove it? Yeah everybody knows but I m talking about real proofs. I mean, everybody are buying accounts, we all know that, admin knows that. This is something unavoidable. But this situation is totally different.


Buradan beni tanıyan herkese Selam yolluyorum.. Aferin bi daha hep adım geçsin..

Why admins have privilege to those things at all? Is there something called game modules or mechanics? Shitty admin team makes this game so bad. Wish tjere were admins who actually work in game s interest not selfish desires. YOU GUYS SUCKS. YOU CAN BAN ME AFTER THIS BUT I DONT GIVE A SHIT. YOU ARE SO BAD I CANT FIND WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT. CIAO BELLA.

Sandzak u have buyed acc and you say game is unfair. Yes game is unfair because you dont have permaban.....

U ok when u play with buyed acc and when u break rules, but when someone else do much smaller offense u write artice. You are so pathetic..... Its better for to delate this pathetic article....

Giving CS to pto russia while having an active CP, 7mpps for germany while limit was 6, double rw in germany for 24 hours, 5 starts mean alot to admins unfortunately, RIP dead game

ostavam komentar

I bet when they click REST, they can work the companies again

Can we solve problem with massive leaving game?

Yav He He

Lol. Hey enemies Where are you when your citizens making Multi using game bugs and buying accounts? Your justice for only your enemies. We know your defend skills in vist issue...

double standarts

Buy account buy buy buy for make great again the rules :ppp



Bu oyundan bi cacık olmaz. Kendi elleriyle oyunu bitiriyolar

qq ☻

In game s rules is written that buying account is illegal, but also this that admin has done is illegal too! So guys everything what was illegal in this game now is legal or what? :/
But I know… its legal to them who are paying rl money on this game 

nique l état

As far as Admins have accounts in Denmark, they will protect this country. Fair or unfair, doesn t matter. Yes, players can do something about that. First, stop all other wars and attack Denmark together. Second, stop buying with RL money their products, for a month. And, finally, make a Union of players (all countries), with a simple task, controlling Admins work. Representative of the Union must have rights, equal to Admins, to have access to databases and control the game in the name of all players. LET THE PLAYERS PLAY THE GAME, ADMINS SHOULD ADMINISTRATING, NOT PLAYING THE GAME WITH OTHER PLAYERS!

Levi +1

yo whoever doesnt like it gtfo the game and stop bitching ffs
half the players of the game have broken the rules in some way.Georgian multis,turkish and other bought accounts and many many other things. You need to understand this goes both ways

When Admins broke the rules, this is something completely different. They are not ordinary players, they got money for their work, and if they don t follow own rules, why players should do this. Why gtfo game? So, to give them several accounts more, to distribute them or sell them? Those, who complains about selling accounts, why you remain silent when your friends got accounts in the same way?

Lol... God save the Admins, game is unfair, and who said that... omg

@ATEHTATOPOT, are you lacking in brain cells, germany have 6 MPP, Germany responded 30 seconds after we saw 2 rw s (one of them was rissen by IRAN) your mod CAKI responded to my ticket and I never get answer. So ask your MOD about that.

Guys, stop crying like a little girls, you are giving our enemies satisfaction which boost their morale. Are ypu stupid or what?


You know about irony?!!

Hehe when we are publishing any problem you guys always flaming on comments: dont cry
so now I just can repeat your favourite words
see Im partner in your problems too. Dont cry omg.

Dear Turkey, please do the thing admins are suggesting you and LEAVE THE GAME. 

This is so unfair, poor Sandzak xan buy only one account!!!! Justice for Sandzak!


Tempo ban?

@Peaky Ask biskvit

Lets take a look at the map of Turkey:
Admin loves you so much so they give the same resources x times.