Hemingway's Journal

Publicēts United States of America - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 03 Feb 2017 13:29 - 8



Hello all, Hemingway here! I've decided to reach out to a man who is gearing up to take all of our hearts. A POTUS candidate, and a man who you may or may not know about! This man in question is Diesel, a political party candidate for becoming our next President! I've been lucky enough to get in contact with him to speak with him about some various topics just for you so that you know a little more about this man. Now, I asked him a few questions, not to take up too much of the good man's time, since any POTUS candidate must be a busy busy man.


The man's current avatar


Let's get straight into it, time for the interview!

Hemingway - What do you think about the USA in this moment of time?

Diesel -  USA is a secondary power with a lot of resources. No other country like that exists on the earth because they all get wiped out. Ever heard the saying first they take an inch, then they take a mile? It applies to USA more than to any other country. We've developed a reputation for being a renter nation and a resource haven .We sewed self-sacrifice among our people, an example set by our leaders, mive recruitment, and flawless organizations if we're not just to come out of this war, but to come out of this war swinging and powerful so nobody touches our resources but us.

Hemingway - If you could change one thing about the government last month, what would you change?

Diesel -  Presidents since the beginning of time in this game have tried and failed to govern alone. Nobody governs alone. In building my cabinet I asked everyone what the one thing they want to change is, and for more important roles got second opinions on talents. People don't get paid to do cabinet work in this game, but they'll work and work hard if they're doing it for something they want to do. I want to make the president position less of a do-all, spread out, burned out job, and more of a leader of a team, listening to the team and keeping the team on track. No matter how brilliant someone can be, they're always out of touch with something. When someone brought a model steamship to Napoleon, he shouted, "you would power a ship by lighting a fire under its deck!? I have no time for such nonsense", despite his science minister telling him it would work.

Hemingway -  What is the most ambitious idea you have if you become POTUS?

Diesel - The Empire of Fre. So many countries have gone under and will. Morocco right now is getting brutally invaded by Spain. Ukraine and Germany have gone virtually extinct. Japan has an old historical connection with the Untied States but is an not sparked flame and a remnant of the superpower it used to be. The USA is so attractive to new immigrants since we don't have the militant nationalism a lot of other countries do, and we're the only independent native English speaking country left. Canada, Australia, and the UK have been reduced to occupied and docile minors. Conquest comes in two parts: military victory and establishing superior law. When the Romans came into an area, their first instinct was to create market fairs, build roads, and set up courts. The United States can conquer countries in the defeated APA/Aliansa alliances under the guise of unity. A Foreign Legion will be a path to citizenship for people who believe in the Empire of Fre, the idea that our conquests are the building block to their liberation. We will welcome with open arms military units from nations occupied by enemy alliances, on the pledge that they'll be equal citizens, have a role in our government, and that we will aim to defeat their nation's enemies. Now that VV is at war with Delos, we could easily do this for the UK or Morocco (if the latter doesn't hold out). Part of the imperial idea is also to acquire bonuses, a key selling point in having people continue to live in the United States and establishing groups for people of different nationalities. America is the only country in the world with the attitude required to be a new Rome and look beyond our own tribe.

Hemingway - Why should someone vote for you?

Diesel -  Because I'll make America great like it never was. We ave so much potential in this game if only we use it. My cabinet is bipartisan, half from each party, and involves over 20 people, each doing one specific job. The right time for anyone contributing their free labor to a project is to do it now. Let's go for it. let me put together this team, and let's have you be on it if you have anything you really want to change. Everyone will be focused on their one role, and the president will be the person overseeing everything but not trying to wear 12 hats and bungling it up. EVERY mistake made in this game so far in any country was made for one reason and one alone: that unlike in the real world, presidents in eRev try to rule alone, with disastrous results. I will create a new culture of self-sacrifice in our country and commitment. Government is too poor to fight wars by itself. We must all pitch in and I'll lead by example sacrificing everything I have until we've secured our independence, then our manifest des to have an empire.

Hemingway - Final Comments?

Diesel - This game is what we make of it. We're like Rome in the sense that we don't have a paid government. Everyone does things for us to build a reputation for ourselves. People will always be petty. The USA is stricken with internal feuds dating back past my time based on petty squabbling. However, I've already bridged the parties very close to each other and have all the major leaders of both parties in my cabinet and as strong supporters. It's not about the ideology it's about the people. Let's get everyone together and forget about our internal divisions. People will be petty, but let's channel that pettiness and desire for self-aggrandizement into something good for America - sacrifice and work for the sake of building a glorious future together, instead of on jacking off to our own individual accomplishments.


That's all from me for now. I hope this article has enlightened you on the POTUS candidate's thoughts. Expect articles from me soon, I'll be trying to write more articles with an increased frequency. I had originally done this interview a little while ago, but wanted to wait before posting so you guys could know about his thoughts going to the polls. What would you like to see me write about next? I have some plans, but I want to hear from you the reader!

Hail USA!




Tricky DickDiesel

Komentāri (8)

hehe, good luck, you will need it Smile
Well all sounds good so i am excited to see what you will make from USA if you get elected. Shiro has spoken.
Go Diesel o7
Good luck!
good luck o7
Great interview with an amazing man!
Yo yo yo. Cheeky
o7 Diesel.