Patriot News

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 13 Feb 2017 10:35 - 2

As the citizens of our fine country will rush in the coming days to vote for the next Congress, we at Patriot News will tell you the current members that comprise this prestigious position and try to predict the trends to determine who will have the majority for the following term. With a majority of 61% of the seats of the Congress, the American Unity Party is in front of the Congress, which in recent days has had a "merger" so to speak with other parties in the country to establish dominance in the country. With 23% of the seats, the members of a former party are the ones who occupy these seats and with 15% of the seats, The Masonic Brotherhood are the minority party in the Congress. The recent efforts of unification made by the American Unity Party and the subsequent dissolution of the party with 23% of the seats, may indicate a rise in seats for the Masonic Brotherhood but it may also mean a increase in seats for the American Unity Party. No one knows if the unification efforts made by the American Unity Party will either result in a surge in the Congress or the demise of the Party but one thing's for sure, the country will not be the same after this election.


DieselPalmerTricky DickspitfireYGThomas Killah

Komentāri (2)

just few recommendation Add some graphics You should split that big block of text a big (It would definitely scare away people : ) Otherwise, the Article is great [Supported]
Very nice, and yeah a few images here and there help for some.