A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 15 Feb 2017 18:11 - 6


Activity Report 01 - Department of Interior and Sub-Departments

Author(s): Tom Killah
Date: 2/10/17

Table of Contents:
1. Overall Department Updates
2. Department of Interior Updates
3. Department of Recruitment Updates
4. Department of Technology Updates
5. Department of Media Updates
6. Department of Citizen's Programs Updates
7. Revisions

1. Overall Department Updates
In the Department of the Interior, and its sub-departments, we have had a beginning overall goal and focus for the past 5 days - Communication and Planning. As the Director of the Interior, I have been working hard to get all of the heads of my sub-departments to gather into a single DoI group chat. I have sent a friend request to maybee (Director of Recruitment), Gabrielz Horn (Director of Citizens’ Programs), Bomie (Department of Technology), and supermaghe (Director of Media) so that I can invite them to the group. As of yet, only maybee, supermaghe, and Gabrielz Horn have accepted my friend request and joined the DoI group chat. Since the deadline for this is tonight, I unfortunately will, for the most part, not have any reports for the recent activities of the Department of Technology. Efforts will continue to get the remaining Director into this group chat so we can fully communicate and function as a single unit, as we should. If activity isn’t picked up for that remaining Director, I will make sure either you, or Diesel, will be made aware of this.

2. Department of Interior Updates
Although as the head of the DoI, I could spend my time only managing the other Directors, checking on their progress, and giving directions, but I prefer to be much more involved and I will step in for my sub-Departments when needed to help them finish their tasks and projects as well as taking on my own personal projects. To date, I have mainly been working on getting the Trainee Division project up and running. For this project, I am working very closely in conjunction with the Department of Defense, and we should be getting into full motion soon. The premise of the program is to develop the American military force starting from the bottom-up by investing small amounts of gold into our soldiers that manage to meet our weekly activity requirements. The soldiers will save this gold and and once they get enough to upgrade their Military Academy, they are to do so. Once our records show that a soldier has received necessary funds to upgrade their Military Academy, we will ask for a snapshot of their Workout Area, that clearly shows that they did not misuse government funds. If misuse, or other unacceptable conduct, is found that soldier will be removed from the Trainee Division program and be requested to repay their debts to the government. Refusal to pay will result in congressional action against said person. All government and non-government based funds for this program will be kept neatly in a google sheet document, that will be reported to the proper officials weekly, and summarized in total for the month towards the end of the term. Thus far, I’ve managed to gather 3 members into the Trainee Division, and this is prior to putting out an article, or shout advertising the new program. However, I did just do a m PM in the US Army MU through Hemingway that advertises the program, so we’ll see how many turn out over the next day or so from that. I be working on making an announcement article tomorrow, so that Hemingway and I can announce both the Elite Division DoD program and the Trainee Division DoI program at the same time.


3. Department of Recruitment Updates
So far, there has been wonderful recruitment into the eUS in the last few days, and maybee has plans to further ramp up recruitment. Maybee has kept recruitment restricted to spamming Discord and other various forum sites to spread the word that we are looking for more people. There is also a plan in place to pay for a Facebook ad to recruit more players into the eUS, along with the help of the eRevollution Admin team. One thing to note is that while it is very important to bring in players into our country from other countries and from outside of the game, we must make player retention and equal focus. My current plans to achieve this is to have strong communication within our Department and have maybee work very closely with Gabrielz Horn’s Department of Citizens Programs. This way maybee will be able to advertise some of our current programs and future programs that will be focused on engaging any and all players regardless of whether their new, foreign, or a current citizen.

4. Department of Technology Updates
As I said previously, the Director of Technology, Bomie has not yet accepted my friend request or been able to communicate with me about his recent activities or plans for the future of his Department. However, I do have some plans on my own for this Department. First off, my main plan will be to get our national website fully functional and running again. Once we are able to do that, we will look to ensure that the information on there stays up-to-date, this will require working close with the Heads of several other Departments such as Media, Defense, State, and Treasury. To ist with our recruitment efforts, I will like to have Bomie work in close conjunction to maybee in the Department of Recruit to render as much technical help as will be necessary. Finally, we are in dire need of a graphics designer in our country, so if we get all our projects finished or balanced out, I’d have Bomie team up with Media Director supermaghe to recruit graphic designers from our lation, outside of the game, and from other countries. I say this because, their two Departments are the two that work most closely with images and logos.

5. Department of Media Updates
Media Director, supermaghe, recently posted an article that welcomed all of our new citizens that joined the eUS in the last few days. In looking at his article, the content was great, and informative. However, I will see if I can get supermaghe to write the articles in a more neat, organized, and systematic manner. Similar to how I write the White House Press Reports when I was Secretary of Media, and how I wrote the State of the Union Articles when I was President in September and October. You can get an idea of the type of structure I’d be interested in supermaghe implementing into his articles from this document, but with more images. Another goal that I have for this department will be to have at least weekly releases of the Press Reports, to ensure our citizens are kept up-to-date on the latest events throughout the world and in our government. This will require working closely with almost every Department in the government, and the ever recurring theme of strong communication within the Department of Interior. On top of this, I plan to have supermaghe work very closely with Citizens Programs Director, Gabrielz Horn, to advertise and spread the word of upcoming domestic programs that the Citizens Programs Department will be working hard at brainstorming and implementing with Congressional support.


6. Department of Citizens Programs Updates
Lastly, but not least, the Department of Citizens Programs will play a huge role in the success of the Interior’s overall goals to increase the eUS’s active lation. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to sit down and speak with Gabrielz Horn about recent activities and future plans for the department, but my main goals for this department will be centered around player retention as I have mentioned a few times now. A few ideas for possible domestic programs that can be ran include: writing contests, comic contests, bringing back eOscars, finally bring eMLG into implementation, lotteries, and a Government+People (GPP/G+P) program. Several of the above programs are straightforward and self-explanatory, but I will take some time to describe a few of the ones that aren’t. Starting off with eOscars, this will basically be a national award ceremony with several categories that people will nominate other people for. The winners of each category will receive a shoutout and a small prize, and the person that receives the most won categories will get a larger prize. Then onto eMLG, this was a bipartisan idea that originated all the way back to last August, but never managed to get out of the idea phase due to inactivity and other un-related complications in the US political landscape. The basic objective of eMLG was to connect our eUSA community through playing free, off-site games such as Age of Conquerors 4 and more. Finally, onto the Government+People, this basically will be a program where we will gather questions from throughout the nation by our citizens about our government and our situation in the world, that at the end of the week will be put into an article with answers from various Cabinet Members such as the President, Secretary of State, etc. To be honest here, the Government+People program was one that I thought of just now as I am writing this report, so it hasn’t had much time to be thought through, so it will definitely be one of the projects for the end of the month, so it has enough time to be thoroughly planned out.

7. Revisions
Due to this report being written almost a full week ago, several things have changed from the above post. I have managed to establish contact with all members of the DoI and got them into a group chat. We’ve had time to discuss our plans and ideas for each department, and are working hard to start implementing them. A very notable change is the Trainee Division program which will be using the West Point program to supply gold loans to our soldiers and citizens rather than it’s own private gold loans, which is very good, since it means there will be much more funds to use on the program. I would also like to note that we have far surped 3 members of the Trainee Division and now has over 15 members!

Thank you for taking the time to read all this,
~ Tom Killah, Director of the Department of the Interior


Tricky DickDieselPalmer

Komentāri (6)

i love you TK Smile
love you too Tricky Smile
Great report Tom! Killin it.
that is some serious stuff : )
o7 Killah
Great article, and of course I ll try to follow the guidelines in my next articles! :-)