Useless News

Publicēts Canada - Politiskās debates un analīze - 09 Feb 2016 06:50 - 6

Hello Canadian citizens,

Our country seems to be a bit dead.  There is almost no activity on the market, money market or media.  We only had 9 people vote in the last election.  eRevollution says we have 52 active citizens but I believe that number is closer to 10, maybe less.  With this small number, we will never be able to stop any invader.  I was recently approached by the CP of Ireland regarding combining our countries into one.  Ireland would take the remaining Canadian territories and all original Canadian citizens would receive Irish citizenship.  I believe this would benefit both countries and have agreed to the deal.  Current Canadian citizens will get almost full bonuses while Ireland will get a few more fighters to help defend the territories. 

Either later today or tomorrow, Ireland will be attacking Canada to start the process.  At any time, Canadian citizens can move to Ireland and request Irish citizenship.  I understand that some of you will not agree with this and will be angry with me.  I did not plan on taking this course of action but it does appear to be the best option going forward.  Hopefully this will re-energize a few people who seem to be two clicking at the moment. 


El Comegente

Komentāri (6)

I respect your decision man, but I won't be taking part in it. Hope you enjoy Ireland!
I respect your decision man, but I won't be taking part in it. Hope you enjoy Ireland!
Hi all. The MoFA of Ireland here. If anyone has any questions about Irelands set up or activity please just ask...
join us Smile