Patriot News

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 17 Feb 2017 21:52 - 3

Angelo: Another question if I may, do you think that the United States of America is financially stable or do you think that our Finances are a "little underwhelming?
Diesel: Well, when we talk about finances, we definitely need some work on that front. I've made a ledger in total we have 2,400 gold bars plus 1,000 bars that we have made since I entered office, of which 660 gold bars have been collected recently. So in total, that puts with over 3,000 gold bars, which a loss when compared to the 6,000 gold bars we had in reserves before the Serbian Invasion. Much of that loss can be attributed to us fighting the Serbian Invasion, but we are starting legislation to reform the Monetary Market to make the money back and in turn, keep a stable reserve of it and the recent rental agreements have given us a steady flow of revenue so, in that part you don't have to worry about that.
Angelo: Great, last question, I know that there is a lot of time on your term but are you considering to run to serve another term as President of the United States?
Diesel: Yes definitely. The changes we are starting to make aren't just for the short term. For example, we are coming with a workout ground loan program and we have already increased the lation of this country. But, I must say, 1 term isn't enough to implement the changes we need to rise from the ashes and become a superpower. We need at least 3 terms at the very least to boost the strength of the nation to become a superpower, so I intend to run for more terms for President and go for the long haul and come out mive and bulked.
Angelo: Well Mr. President, those were all the questions that needed to be asked. I once again thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend to this interview. 
Diesel: Well Angelo I thank you for asking the questions that nobody dared to ask and keep up the good work with Patriot News.
Angelo: As always, if you want to see more One on Ones with the various leaders of our beloved country, don't forget to Subscribe and Support Patriot News to enjoy more articles and interviews like this one.


Tricky DickislandwoodsieDieselvoozTardisgamingPalmer

Komentāri (3)

well done, keep up the good work. Next time ask him about the free beer he promised in his election bid
Great interview man, it was a pleasure
The interview is good, just need a good format, not plain straight text Laugh