The Weekend Report

Publicēts United States of America - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 19 Feb 2017 10:26 - 5
President Diesel Interviewed By Patriot News, Talks About Stuff | Fre United Welcomes South Korea, Cue Circle Jerk | Vae Victis Alpha Takes Shape
Israel Blames Turkey, Promptly Gets Rekt | Switzerland Makes Peace, Bor Ensues | Portuguese Have Superior Tools | The Portuguese Resolution Signed

WEEKREP'S PROTIP: Portugal is renting regions from us, relax n00bs. They're our homies.

    It's been a busy week around the world, with Congress elections highlighting the first half of February.  The American Unity Party absolutely thrashed the election, winning a whopping 90% of available seats.  Guaranteed to push through an agenda of forging America into a superpower, the AUP stands to make history.  What side of it are you on?

    President Diesel announced the West Point program for active citizens.  WEEKREP strongly encourages all citizens to apply, as it is designed to increase your personal strength and wealth.  For a couple of months of reduced-wage-work, you'll receive financial aid to improve your Boot Camp and Military Academy, while the country shoulders the cost of YOUR growth.  It's a win/win.  Read the full article and fall in line, citizen!

    The Weekend Report is a relatively new publication and is in dire need of subscriptions. I'll be doing a giveaway of weapons to a random subscriber! All you have to do is subscribe to The Weekend Report, vote on this article, then comment your subscription and vote number. A drawing will be held on Day 407 and a random winner will receive some Q5 Weapons!


voozvoozvoozTricky DickPalmerDieselDieselDieselDieselPalmerPalmerTardisgaming

Komentāri (5)

nice article o7
ohh MY i love the photo of the blinders man, that sure shows the climate when i first joined up
I found it googling! It s pretty awesome.
nice report man!
Been subscribed to this newspaper since day 1 of release. Either Sub 1 or 2. Not sure.