Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 23 Feb 2017 11:52 - 1

As you do remember battle of Lorraine was close in your opinion how is the loss effect the outcome of the war?
 Eldrad Ulthran:  With defeat in Lorraine, we don t lose important bonus but we lose, as Iran, many stocks to try to defend it. Price on MM have increase and it is more difficult to supply our army. 
    It is the same problem for all the world, so future will say if it was a good idea to defend here :D

And if VV offer peace would Délos accept peace and negotiate a peace treaty?
 Eldrad Ulthran: For your second question, I think you need to ask first to VV if they are ready to propose a peace :D
They are attacker if they want the peace they can ask for, but I don t think that they will. Again, we will see in future, in my opinion Delos will check the peace treaty but if we need to fight we are ready. Nothing to lose. 

By the sounds of that interview, Delos is barely hit over the battle yesterday. And for peace VV would have to offer it.

What will the leader VV say to these answer?
   Find out in the interview I have with him.



Komentāri (1)

It s Haseiko the Leader of Délos Wink