The Weekend Report

Publicēts United States of America - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 26 Feb 2017 05:49 - 0

VAE VICTIS Invites Canada & Ukraine, World Reacts | DELOS Adds Puppet Nations, Makes Threats
White House Press Report Released, Explains Stuff | President Diesel Announces Baby Boom Project

WEEKREP PROTIP: Donate to the Baby Boom and make some GOLD!

    The country of Ireland is a wonderful place. Famous for its fables, disproportionate consumption of alcohol and that one piece of rock that people pee on as a joke but American tourists kiss it anyway for good luck. It is THAT place, I am sure you have heard of it. They controlled core regions of our neighbor to the north, Canada, and after Canada decided to play with the big boys by joining Vae Victis, the United States of America immediately did what we do best: purge the Western Hemisphere of unwelcome foreign powers. Through well-supplied fights and dedicated American soldiers, USA pushed Ireland back to its own core regions, captured Mayo and Louth and suddenly, that pee-pee rock doesn't look so bad after a little bit of fre got dropped on it.

    With the world engulfed in war and the United States of America creeping up the ranks of the most powerful countries, Russia was chosen as the Natural Enemy of the USA by Congress. An attack on Andhra Pradesh was launched by the USA, an attempt to reclaim a lost Indian core region and draw fighters away from the British Isles, but the battle was lost in the twilight hours after Russia and its allies deployed their elite heavy hitters. As of the time of writing, Russia is trying to open a second front in Mayo, perhaps to drive the American's attention away from the United Kingdom.

    A victim of capitalism is not a victim at all, just an ungrateful that can't understand the true value of trickle down economics. While the USA whips other places into shape at the expense of world powers that got too comfortable, the American government is profiting from leasing deals with Portugal and Romania. Kentucky and Hawaii were transferred to our allies over the week, while Missouri and Alaska regained their place in the Union. If you happen to be one of the poor shmucks in one of these regions as they get handed over, just learn the language and imilate for a couple of months. You will be okay. Really though make sure you travel to the capital, Kansas, and park your butt there for good.

    Drama, drama, drama? President Diesel's cabinet was shaken up a bit after Hemingway quietly resigned, forcing The Historian into the spotlight as the new mid-term Secretary of Defense, while other cogs of the government machine turned without notice. In true Wikileaks fashion, a plan for the government to invite the Green Beret military unit was exposed in exchange for something(s) that isn't (aren't) quite clear yet. WEEKREP trusts the judgment of the government, in particular, President Diesel, but all citizens should keep their eyes open and ears cleaned for more information as it happens.

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voozvoozvoozvoozTricky DickDieselPalmerTardisgamingPalmerPalmerPalmer

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