Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 02 Mar 2017 14:41 - 16

My fellow Americans,
Today I declare my candidacy for a second term as President in the Unity Party primary. This month, we've had a slough of achievements, and I ask America one thing: when have we ever gotten more done in such a short amount of time?
Through the hard work of a huge team, the biggest we've brought together, in the first unity cabinet drawing on the talents of people from every party, we've been able to:
- Triple the active lation according to eTools
- Build over 1,000 gold worth of training grounds through hre West Point program
- Secure some of the cheapest gourmet helis in the world through the west point and arms contract program
- Stalemate one front and win three others in a four-front war
- For the first time deal the deathblow to a foreign nation in capturing their hospital, Q5 defense system, and capital abroad
- Begin the shift to a professional army
- Create over 25 new sand mines with the HRM program to fix market prices of sand
- Unify the disparate, feuding political forces into one, single unit
- Raise over $2,000 so far, real life money, for an eUSA baby boom ad campaign in partnership with the admins
But as I said when I ran initially, this is only the beginning, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we need to do.

And why is that? Because Rome wasn't built in a day, and America won't be built in a month! We have all these new players, brought in through hard work, recruitment, and promotion, but the great majority of the ones that join don't stay, and the ones that stay take months to build up their strength. Look at Georgia's amazing baby boom: the country still can't hit the make amount as Romania or Turkey in the same way we can only hit similar amounts to South Korea or Albania because an increase in lation does not immediately mean an increase in what really matters in this game to earn our nation respect: military strength.
So how do we deal with these issues? We persist, we persist, and we persist.
We must continue building training grounds like we're running an army camp, continue with the commune and weapon reforms, persist in dishing out supplies and increasing our rank, continue recruiting high-strength foreign players to serve in our army.
We are well on our way to become a world power, reorganized like the best: France, Turkey, Iran, Romania. The next step is to continue with reform, continue with building, continue with recruitment, and continue our ascent.
AMERICA IS BACK. We have ended our people's slow decline, and once again are on the ascent to retake our county's des and achieve its mission.
We have delivered not just a vision of greatness and progress towards that goal, but tangible benefit today. We've dished out over a thousand gold for training our people, and tens of thousands USD for building HRM factories. We've ended the hyperinflation and excess of USD in our country and made improvements for the people.
I'd like to now personally thank our cabinet members for this month and list off their achievements:
TrickyDicky: Oversaw Congress, ran the West point program. Overall been my right hand in coordinating not just domestically but with foreign governments. Retook our USD supply after our old SoT left the game, making the HRM program possible.
Tancred: SoS, negotiated a brilliant rental agreement with Portugal reducing our rent while still giving us a lot of needed money, and most importantly committing our renters to our defense in war, so that something like the Serbian invasion never happens again.
Hemingway: SoD, conceived and created the West Point program that boosted our strength.
The Historian: SoD, conceived and set into motion our current mive military reorganization.
islandwoodsie: dSoD, ran supply, West Point, and oversaw army organization.
Thomas Killah: SoI, Assisted in running West Point
maybee: DoR, brought in 50 people in one day and hundreds more through recruitment program of posts and referrals.
SpitfireYG: Chief of general Staff: commanded our battles and won victories on two fronts during his time in command.
supermaghe: SoP, published the most frequent gov updates we've had and brought international news to the public.
AMHS: Speaker of the House, conceived the HRM program and obtained
EddieA: First Unity Party Chairman, oversaw the merging of both of the parties, a historical achievement of American Unity.
I'd like to thank the rest as well who were not mentioned in this list, and the American people for the mive sacrifices and hard work you have made to bring our country back from the brink. We have penetrated the field of recruitment by posting on forums and subreddits, but next we need to run full blown ads with the mive amount of money we're grateful to have raised, to make our community known far and wide, and to achieve our des!
I'm asking you for a second term so that we can keep building, keep pushing, and not lose our momentum! We are speeding ahead on the fastlane, let's never get off!
Tricky DickHunBurryFallenAngelTardisgamingResoluteKomentāri (16)

voted, nice team 

Great job President!

Great term, keep up the good work

good luck


great job, greaaat

Go Trump, Doh Diesel You da man. :-) and have my full support.

The grammar and spelling mistakes cause this to be painful to read.

This game doesn t let me put apostrophes in articles, not my fault.

cheap gourmet helis sound too good to be true...I am impressed you guys pool resources to help others develop their infrastructure.

Two terms of Diesel means x2 the progress. A vote from me.

That is a good article and you are perfect leader Mr.President
v20 o7

Diesel Pasha

Thanks everyone! o7

Got my vote definitely o/

Apostrophes or no, you still have a lot of spelling mistakes.