Patriot News

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 05 Mar 2017 01:16 - 5

" Hey, Angelo here, I would like to use this forum right now to deeply apologize not only to Diesel but to all my fellow colleagues at the American Unity Party, to Spitfire YG, to the previous CP, who I know has done many great things for this country but I did not know of because I came to this country after his term and to anyone who feels under appreciated by this article. From this point on, I will research thoroughly the previous CPs before I do a campaign article on Patriot News. The purpose of the article was not spread misinformation, but to get votes for the current President, Diesel. I would like to say that neither him, nor anyone in the party made write the information as I wrote in the previous article, I was writing with the information I had but, as YOU ALL KNOW, I had very little information of the many programs and things he had done during his presidency. I sincerely apologize for this and promise to research further before I post anything" 

P.S: If you felt "offended" not the real kind of offended way but the liberal kind of offended by my article, here is a picture of one of the greatest Presidents just to "trigger" you a little more.


Tricky DickDieselTardisgamingspitfireYGspitfireYG

Komentāri (5)

Trump o7
Trump o7