Publicēts United States of America - Finanšu lietas - 05 Mar 2017 08:57 - 34

Whats the problem of this situation ?
those price s are getting higher too fast and because that people is speculating to much.
The big poblem are in raw materials, of course you can think: OH i don t care i need processed products but it's a matter of time
For that high prices in raw materials becomes in a price increase of processed products (houses, food,weapons)
What causes it?
1- speculators.

They take advantage of low prices in healthy markets, to make a profit what causes a faster increase of the products prices.
Buying large quantities of products and leaving the market with less supply in higher prices.
2-The problem in the markets of other countries .
Maybe we believe in our ignorance that problems in other countries do not affect us. But yes it do.
Because they are the market of the speculators and also producers too. Because the businessman only want obtain the greater profit always.
the world is connected, and this eworld more.
3- Lack of investment.

If the government do not invest the tax revenue money for increase the production, the products offert will decrease.
1- Invest in create more companies, for increase the products offert.
2- Supply of products by the government, for keep product prices.
3- Attract foreign investment to create companies given some benefits.
4- help beginners to get companies, that way he will consume hes own production and not only buying generating more demand.
5- Help allied countries get 100% bonus, for increase the eworld production.
6- Increase the production and stock before start a big war.
7- Help consumers teaching them how much they should offer for products at that moment.
8- Invest in Raw material companies, by giving some benefits for build.
The same count for other products if it is necessary (weapons, food, houses)
eManu Castillo
Public accounting - student.
Sultan Haydar BasCimenBatuCimenBatuPRM_shadowDieselgiovinco10ViracochaKromiongaladraelJuice OrtizKomentāri (34)

Number 5 made me laugh 

Pirinç yok sal gelsin.

eTR market is better than other markets (except french ) you will change your mind about month later (need more experience)

don t give me a fish teach me how to fish

I m triying to give ideas for make it better. eturkey market its good but it can be better @doOmHaMmEr. i ll change the title and some words because i want to let it cleare. thanks

So your solution is for Turks to leave game, as there is to many of them ??
Joke a side, now serious, Your solution would be to increase production even more?? Lets look at price of raw.. how lower do you want it to make? Calculate first how long would it take you to pay off one lets say Q4 raw (most cost effective)..use Weap raw for example thats built with ideal conditions, so 3000cc at 200cc/g =15g, not to make 15g in France for example you need to produce 39 500raw (and please note that atm weap raw is very expensive and will go down), it will take you about 150 days, thats 5 months. But if we calculate it by somewhat real price of raw that is about 0.026fr it will take you about 240 days to pay off , and Q4 is one that will pay it self fastest. Also food that will be spent for that time will cost about 1-1.3g , and that can easy add 20-30 days of additional work. Now try to calculate when will you pay off Q5 raw that cost 35g
Btw, im one of big producers of Raw , and i can make serious amount of money in a day, but also i have invested heavily in Raw, and some other companies and there is a guys with maybe even double of what i have. Trust me here, solution is not in producing more, year ago warned admins, made article about future (this) probelm, gave solutions they implemented one part, but largly ignored. Thats why today we have situation where as Kami said, 420 gold that cost 70e can get you exactly nowhere, and some players here will make that in 5-10 days. So why would anyone give them so much money if its worthless ?? In any case solution is not in overproduction, but atm im afraid i dont see how they can fix it.. it could be already to late..

the only thing that moves economy is war. Period.

My opinion is that all markets have to common and market license free

if product prices fall, peple dont invest in build more companies and with time it price increase. If product prices increase people build companies and it get cheaper.
if products price increase, workers ll request more salary.
if products prices get cheaper, businessmen ll lower salary.
and things like that, just keep calm That s the way the economy works.

product prices raise when people consume. And they consume when they fight. There is consumption, businessmen invest and raise facilities, factories, raw, shipyards.. No war people work-train-DO and good bye. If they are more active like me, they probably troll the situation a bit and then bye.

I m totally agree with your opinion apply in game only of course. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Another problem that I see is: 420g cost £69,9. For european people it isnt expensive to pay for it. But for brazilian guys it will gost about R$230 and brazilian minimum wage is about R$900, its too dam expensive for us to buy gold in this game! While european can put large amount of golds from his pockets, we cant, only if you are rich guy. eRevolution would get alot more money if they could sell gold in others countrys coin.

eManu, you are bit wrong there, lets say some players who dont have companies build 50 raws and price falls. Yet that 50 companies wont even close to match players like me, RAF or any other big producer of raw, and lets not even go in to helies and ships.
To put it like this, if you spend now 1000e and buy gold to build raw and factories, you still wont come close to me and how long it would take for you to pay it off ?? So investing more in to economy will just create greater gap rich vs ordinary players. We need restrictions, and less players like me in game. And most important, we need 4-5 evenly strong alliances and not just one with more than half world dmg. As Ktab said, for economy to work, you need constant wars, and VV and all that fight for VV have killed that, and with it this game.

This is not a monopoly thing is basic economy: if some product get expensive people(investors) ll want produce and sell it, if it price get lower the bussneman sell the companie for the low profit and them in time the price of the product rise again because the few production. What i m saying basically if offer and demand. No more i m definitly no wrong there. And totally agree for keep the economy working in a war game is having enough wars for keep the comsuption of the products (gun, helis ships) and even food, lk all that for fight.

but all is very cheap, like working 2 days you can buy items for survive :V. No like in the begining whem you need save at least for 1 month for spend in 2 days

Guide for keep market prices. Not for cure the cancer. If you want higher prices i can write advices for that in an article.

you are missing point. But here , if you want low prices, stop fights its much cheaper , and it will make everything nearly worthless 

I m totally agree with your last opinion, i wrote this article for control the market or for handle an unstop increase prices of the products. Of course hasn t war in a game who all products are for fight reduce the comsuption (demand) have as a concequense lower prices. But whats the fun? I understand, but u can t came here and critic just because you don t like a guide for keep product prices in a regular escenary in a war game that is World war.

to be clear, i would rather have all my factories deleted and lost than seeing game ruined.. so any good viable suggestion by admins, even if it would destroy my account, i would gladly accept


no mas te falto el endorse kirito 

eManu Castillo jajajaja te falta la version :v hispana de los artículos que hagas XD

@kirito si papi tienes razon, si no ni se enteran :/. Gracias.


sub54 v30

Trupo y el endorse? Gracias

change the rules doesn t mean change anything
The richest still the richest and control everything

For your 5th solution, there are not 18 Uranium in the world ;-)


tu quieres tener todo lo que yo he conseguido en 3 meses, basicamente si es por ti quieres tener para el dia siguiente lo que jugadores llevan 1 construyendo.

Just shut down black market in general feed and add some international market where everyone can place his offer, of course in gold.

@akmenro gracias es basicamente eso, te amo. Ya sabes como soy.
@inki it just ll destroy some ecountries markets (the healthy ones) because players are going to empty the national emarkets to sell in the international.

Very good. S+v

Very good. S+v