Publicēts Georgia - Pirmie soļi eRevollution - 06 Mar 2017 06:47 - 15

Hello everyone, in this article i d like to Ex president of tukey/VV-KINYAS
1.where are you from? how old are you? what is your work outside of erevoolution?
Kinyas: I am from Turkey, Sivas. 24 years old. I am working in Finance field.
2.when you join this game?(Erevollution) and where you find this game?
Kinyas: I have joined back in January but I did not play for a long time. I am playing actively since May. I dont really remember how I registered, probably saw it on Facebook
3.some people thought that VV rules is unfair, what's your opinion about it ?
Kinyas: Unfair in terms of what? Internally? I dont think so. If you mean our relations with our opponents, I dont agree that either. We propose quite fair agreements to our opponents, unlike the ones they proposed us in the past.
4.what kind of feeling when you lead the strongest alliance?
Kinyas: It takes a lot of time but definetely worth it. We have so many great leaders in alliance. It is fun to work with them and plan all those campaigns.
5. which war campaign was the most memorable for you?
Kinyas: Germany campaign in November. It took a lot of time and communication to plan it. Although the battle itself was not memorable since they could not show much resistance but the planning stage was good.
6.What are you thinking about Georgia and how do you evaluate its role in the alliance
Kinyas: When Vae Victis is just founded, it was hard to organize it Georgia because they were not part of any organization for quite long time but I knew that will all be okay. Here we are now, our Supreme Commander is Georgian I will not forget or forgive those who fought against Vae Victis in our first month though.
7.What is your advice for new players?
Kinyas: Be patient, try to communicate with people, do not spend much time in game itself, join Discord. All the fun is there.
Thank you very much good luck ;)
CaveaCaveaCaveaKomentāri (15)

kargia mainc ar mevaseba axvari kiniasi 

o/ Hail Friendship of Kinyas , მონა and გაუპატიურებული!

Unsub :d

i ve seen 4 more interviews from kinyas :/

Nikoloz I worst english ever seen in all interviews

el Macedonico go mofsi and go to sleep bye

თითქოს ვინმეს ანაღვლებდეს რას იზამს კინიასი :დ

kinyas gonna die

sagol kaia giwvalia magram kiniasi dzaan bevrs ert adgilas kidia
statia kargi iyo

@gegusha spasiba
ravicodi me bliad

კინიას მოვუტყან დეის ტრაკი... ჩემი გჯერა? 

@nikolos კინიასზე აღარ გააკეთო რამე თორემ დაგიპადიეზდებენ :დდდდ

@Mrnick მეტს აღარ ვიზავ :დდდ

და ამ დროს არავინ არ იცის რატო სძულთ კინასი 
