Publicēts Indonesia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 16 Apr 2017 00:08 - 64

THE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONETHE ONEYuchiGrey WindInglourious BasterdsCEHATOPOTAncestralAncestralAncestralNieltonCFPI am doneI am doneI am doneI am doneRaggnar LothbrokhaftvudBiologyKomentāri (64)


Good, great MU!!! Regards from Perú!

Stronk MU, great Comander

Mantap om o7

nice to meet you all o/

que buena, muy bien aprende sirjohan eso eta mejor que la huevada que publicaste de la mu peruano, jejeje que calidad muy buena mu, vamos haber si cambiamos de comandante por uno serio xD

Ane ga ada ya, wkwkwk o7

Josss....together we can o7


Mantap ndan o7

No girls, no vote

V o7

o/ Like that I can found many many MUs too o7

no ladies?

sundul gan!!!


@ktab: Our founder is banned, so what? Our vision and goal are still the same. No matter what.

tbh i would hope that vision and goals would be upgraded or updated since then. Else we have a problem. How many billions did controller and zahyst shoot for this MU? How much gold exploited?

wheres is om K????

no chicks in country, country doesent deserve to have regions, you need to make some female multie accounts, dont make just male multi accounts

@Ktab what s wrong with you ? They are turks from the begining.

Ntapsoul o7

Hail indonesia o/


weehhh... ternyata om Nutrilon bukan Distributor Susu :p

Voted! Good guys.

Gersang ckckck

Voted !

Bukan distributor om, tapi peracik nutrilon xD

wow i really liked it 

why u not use veranda s photo ? :p


Indonesia o/


@Ancestral, because she is not in DENSUS 88, hahaha xD

Who is she aeon???

Aeon girl friends?

All are the same xD

V+S o7


rasgavxart :d o7

How interesting... Voted!

kering cewek hiks..

Nice o7


Its pict of my boy....

Nggak ada ceweknya = Nggak vote.. XD

v y s

Batang :v

wah ada cimporong

cewek nya manaahh ??

mantap djiwa



Mana foto caral om

If you dont know how to get girls, send me PM

everyone keep stelling starcarft2 design