A perfect sphere

Nocte - Avīze no Peru -

Publicēts Armenia - Politiskās debates un analīze - 24 Apr 2017 06:10 - 7

According to the national plans, today we sells the products with discount;

Tanks q5: 2.8g or 280 ARMs per 100
Helis q5: 2.6g or 260 ARMs per 100
House q1: 1.4g  or 140 ARMs (stock: 1)
House q3: 2.3g or 230 ARMs (stock: 2)
House q5: 475g or 475 ARMs (stock: 2)
Ship q5: 3g or 300 ARMs per 100

If you only buy helis/tanks/ship: the amount s 280 (you can buy a mix of 3 if you want)
Or is 200 with 1 house

Only write me a PM :)


El ProfesorMao Pichitti

Komentāri (7)

-VOTADO- I buy Smile
Excelent! =) V!
I buy 1k helis !!!
ya, como es ?
Very good!!