Publicēts Venezuela - Politiskās debates un analīze - 23 Jun 2017 20:22 - 20

(Version en Español)
Hemos observado con detenimiento lo que ha ocurrido en los últimos días sobre los cambios de alianzas. Esto nos ha llevado a realizar un debate interno sobre nuestros próximos pasos, lo que culmino en la decisión de retirarnos de Delos.
Hace algunos meses, recibimos la invitación para formar parte de un grupo que presentaba la esperanza de lograr algo que hasta hace un mes parecía imposible, pero se logró. Esto motivó a que se realizaran cambios para darle otro ritmo al juego y sentimos que no fuimos invitados a la baile.
Hemos visto la partida de buenos amigos y de sus nuevos horizontes, que nos han obligado a estar en una posición neutral, al menos a corto plazo.
Agradecemos todo el apoyo que recibimos por parte de quienes conformaron y conforman a Delos, fueron muy buenos tiempos, mostramos como la perseverancia da buenos frutos. Agrademos la oportunidad de demostrar que éramos más que un pequeño país, que somos capaces de hacer cosas grandes cuando no los proponemos. Muchas gracias!
En cuanto nuestros últimos movimientos militares, iniciamos una guerra contra Letonia para drenar daño, posteriormente nos comunicamos varias veces con el gobierno de Letonia para terminar la guerra de mejor forma y no obtuvimos respuesta, decimos retirarnos porque no tenemos nada personal contra su país ni tiene sentido nuestra permanencia en el mismo. Referente al DoW a Peru, vamos a rechazarlo, por lo antes mencionado en párrafos anteriores, vamos a tomarnos un pequeño espacio, para analizar con calma nuestro futuro.

We have been closely watching the latest developments in regards to the alliance changes so far. This has made us determine that an internal debate was required to establish our next steps with carefulness and have concluded that the best option for us is a temporary withdrawal from Delos.
Some months ago, we received and invitation to join a group of friends and countries with an ambitious goal to perform something that just a month ago seemed impossible, but seems to be coming to fruition now. This inevitable upcoming change of status quo in the games geopolitical balance has set in motion a different number of changes with the hopeful intent of upgrading the games enjoyment and balance. unfortunately we have been given very little information and a lot of rumors which leads us to believe that either we have been left out of the conversation or that there is still much uncertainty as to what to expect next.
We have been awed by the departure of some of our closest friends looking for new adventures and has influenced us to follow through and become a neutral party for the time being waiting for things to settle down or have more information to take an informed decision.... We have nothing but great things to say to all of those countries and friends that joined us in this latest adventure and are very thankful for all their continued support, we had very good moments to remember and all together proved how persevering brings great things at the end. Thank you ALL!!....
In regards to our latest military actions we want to reiterate that we started a war with Latvia to drain damage from their alliance. After being successful and seeing the war we have tried several ways and times to communicate with their government but after realizing they left their alliance and given that we have no personal issue with them we see no reason to prolong our stay and create an irreversible impact in their community. ... On the other hand we had proposed a DOW on Peru to ist our Argentinian friends on their own quest but will be rejecting it for obvious reasons wishing the best to Argentina and Delos and hoping they understand we feel we need to take some time to look back and away and analyze our next step carefully.

Cacique PariaguanSeirinG 4 M p3trOs V E RCacique ParamaiboamacolmsMelcochaKomentāri (20)


Thanks to all our friends. o7

Ty friends allies

which ballance would you speak when have serbia-croatia-france. they just could not unite because of past. if they will they will lead

A big thanks to everything you dis guys o7

Good luck in future o7

No sé loco pero yo me aseguro antes. Igual yo considero su fuerza. Son grandes jugadores, uno que otro faltoso pero son buenos personajes. Espero algún momento hablar apropiadamente con ustedes y conocerlos.
Van bien chicos. O7

Gurgians crying in every article, why,why, god damn-it, you will lose only your bonuses, dont loose your dignity

@peaky blinder you should change your name to peaky blind, where do you see crying? your blind thats it

@MrNiCk, send me gold and I will change it, btw, look every article regarding this matter in last 24 hours, so you will see a lot of crying, gurgia even bought damage from us to win against IRan, that is a new level of crying




Por fin nos salimos de ahi

votado o7


Thank you and good luck o7

Wich you the best for the futur o7

No entendi al pato de Peaky Blinder :s