Publicēts Serbia - Finanšu lietas - 08 Jul 2017 15:02 - 20

Hello my dear readers!!!
Today we will discuss the economic situation in eSerbia.
As you can see the new CP is doing its job very well. Let’s hope he will continue.

Our course is back to normal and 1 RSD is 0.006 g.

Situation in the state budget.

Minister of Education
NaDuVaNi LiK

Kame SenninNilsonsrb1n96srb1n96srb1n96srb1n96GejakGejakGejakB A T A S H AB A T A S H AB A T A S H Areferent mladjireferent mladjireferent mladjiWhiskasKhalifaWhiskasKhalifaWhiskasKhalifaWhiskasKhalifaBOSMANMULTI CURKI NISTATopSecretDeco9El ProfesorEva BraunKomentāri (20)


[MOS] Ekonomska Situacija eSrbije -

znači da je srb propala čim tb dade tu poziciju 

Nije mala nije mala triput ratovala o7

Samo napred ministre !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bravo masinice mala 😉


Hah sto je prevod, google translate? 

No, thanks. I will pass.

işiniz gücünüz şekil şukul bi gelemediniz amk

a zato je meni njab smanjio pa poveco platu 

samo napred, i nadam se da postoji neki dogovor sa saveznicima da i oni imaju koristi od resursa o7

pisi be na srpskom brate da te ceo svet razume 


say thanks to all small countries whom you lied about your real intentions! Two faced always!