Publicēts Georgia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 28 Jul 2017 09:40 - 20
Hello dear readers . In this article you will hear favorite songs of former country presidents. Comment which president`s song you like most.
Vettel (CP of eGeorgia)
Petros2 (CP of eGreece)
Kinyas (CP of eTurkey)
a herceg (CP of eAlbania)
Volkofff (CP of eBrazil)
Ace Economist (Cp of eIran)
Emerodh (CP of eFrance)
Alessandro 1 (CP of eItaly)
Bezhu (CP of Sweedzerland)
That`s all for now.
Comment your opinion , who`s song you`ve liked most .
Your rastacat Svani9
P.S My vote goes to Vettel ! ! !

That`s all for now.
Comment your opinion , who`s song you`ve liked most .
Your rastacat Svani9

VOLKOFFFG 4 M p3trOs V E RG 4 M p3trOs V E REl ProfesorKomentāri (20)

where is swiss? o.O

V+ Best Song Volkofff

Vote Best song Brazil 

Best songs iran and france. V


I`ll add Switzerland

You can t simply ignore the zueragem of a brazilian. Hue!

now switzerland won
i add also favourite song of Prime Ministre (swiss) (i smoke 2 joints)

None. Here is something... different:

@Giuseppe wise choise mah man

Te ka lali shpirt ??? ahahahahahha

I liked Vettel, Ace and Emerodh songs 

My vote goes to Petros2 and a herceg
good article

Vote for Emerodh

no xashuri cp no vote

No despacito no vote

Nel blu dipinto di blu 

Nel blu dipinto di blu: best one 

xD felice di stare lassù ahah
