Publicēts France - Pirmie soļi eRevollution - 02 Aug 2017 22:19 - 32
The last update was just another disappointment served by Admins. Lack of creativity and true effort was obvious. Let us help them to find some fresh ideas and bring a real update in this dying game.
1. New type of weapons - airplanes, combined with the airports and aircraft carriers is the basis for this new concept of warfare in the game.
2. New weapon, aeroplanes should multiple your damage 5 times (x5), if you use q5 aeroplanes, ofc. For the new weapon, new factories should be builded, with the same model as for the other weapons type. To build q1 Aeroplane factory, you need to have previous q5 heli factory.
3. You can not use your airplanes if you don't have builded airport in your country. Basic damage will be multiplied with the airport, according to quality level of this facility. To build airport, you need to spend House raw material: q1 Airport - 20k HRM, q2 Airport - 40k HRM... q5 Airport - 100k HRM. Airport will multiple your damage using the next formula: q1 - x1.2, q2 - x1.4,... q5 - x2. (So your damage will be multiplied with the q5 airplanes and the q5 Airports x (5x2)=x10 in Total maximally).
4. Your weapon can be used in both type of battles, land and naval. But, if you want to use your airplanes in naval battles, having airport in your country will not allow you this. For the use of airplanes in naval battles, your country need to build Aircraft carriers, type q1-q5. For the Aircraft carriers, you need to use SRM, in same quantity as the HRM for the Airports, and with the same formula for calculating damage.
5. New facilities, Airports and Aircraft carriers will have limited duration - 1 month. So, in order to use new weapon, airplanes, your country needs to provide raw materials and free region every month. No need to mention that Aircraft carriers can be built only in Naval regions.
What is new and significant with this update? First time we will have combined effect of different facilities with increasing the damage produced by players. Old players will have new goal in development of own industry. New players will benefit in increasing need of raw materials, and get opportunity to stop the fall of price this products, and get some profit producing raw materials. Admins will get some money, when players buy some gold to build new factories, in the case when they don't want to wait to collect enough gold in the game.
I am really curious, and want to find up, did Admins abandon this game and limited their presence here only on simply maintenance of the game and bringing some silly updates? Or they still have some interest for the development of ERevollution?
Vote, if you like this, comment if you want to propose some improvements in this idea for update or support it. Let us force them together to make some changes in the game and make it more interesting.
1. New type of weapons - airplanes, combined with the airports and aircraft carriers is the basis for this new concept of warfare in the game.
2. New weapon, aeroplanes should multiple your damage 5 times (x5), if you use q5 aeroplanes, ofc. For the new weapon, new factories should be builded, with the same model as for the other weapons type. To build q1 Aeroplane factory, you need to have previous q5 heli factory.
3. You can not use your airplanes if you don't have builded airport in your country. Basic damage will be multiplied with the airport, according to quality level of this facility. To build airport, you need to spend House raw material: q1 Airport - 20k HRM, q2 Airport - 40k HRM... q5 Airport - 100k HRM. Airport will multiple your damage using the next formula: q1 - x1.2, q2 - x1.4,... q5 - x2. (So your damage will be multiplied with the q5 airplanes and the q5 Airports x (5x2)=x10 in Total maximally).
4. Your weapon can be used in both type of battles, land and naval. But, if you want to use your airplanes in naval battles, having airport in your country will not allow you this. For the use of airplanes in naval battles, your country need to build Aircraft carriers, type q1-q5. For the Aircraft carriers, you need to use SRM, in same quantity as the HRM for the Airports, and with the same formula for calculating damage.
5. New facilities, Airports and Aircraft carriers will have limited duration - 1 month. So, in order to use new weapon, airplanes, your country needs to provide raw materials and free region every month. No need to mention that Aircraft carriers can be built only in Naval regions.
What is new and significant with this update? First time we will have combined effect of different facilities with increasing the damage produced by players. Old players will have new goal in development of own industry. New players will benefit in increasing need of raw materials, and get opportunity to stop the fall of price this products, and get some profit producing raw materials. Admins will get some money, when players buy some gold to build new factories, in the case when they don't want to wait to collect enough gold in the game.
I am really curious, and want to find up, did Admins abandon this game and limited their presence here only on simply maintenance of the game and bringing some silly updates? Or they still have some interest for the development of ERevollution?
Vote, if you like this, comment if you want to propose some improvements in this idea for update or support it. Let us force them together to make some changes in the game and make it more interesting.
MrNiCkGigaJ o k e rHanibalhomersimpsonDarken RahlKomentāri (32)


Its useless since the same ppl will get rich. We want an update that will benefit ALL the ppl = low - medium - high STR 

You can not punish rich people only because they are rich. New industry, extra facilities, will positively influence on the ERevollution s world economy. Don t forget, rich people are the most powerful motor of economy :-) For the poor players, some innovations should be introduced here, this will be a topic of my new article.

Rich ppl make companies, poor ppl make raw and that is all economy 

i think we need new law about economy. there must be allowed only one kind of companies, or only raws. for example if someone has food company he would be allowed to have food raws., not hellis, shiips or house companies. only this way can make economy better. if citizen builts food and hellis companies, not allow to build their raws

Levi Ackerman
this all updates are useless if we wont work on expanding our community, if u look at this game s online countings its very low, we just need new players not new updates

@Davidking the problem is not getting new players, keeping them is the hard part. A new player can t do $hit. One old players can do in 1 hit more than 2000 new ones. If you are not from a big country- you can t do $hit. For instance- in Israel, the fact that we have more than 1 region is 50% because VV s enemies opened and fought a RW from our territory, and 50% because Kami s guardian wanted some extra TPs.

Some updates should bring new players, some updates should motivate new players to stay, but some updates should bring something new to old players and give them some reasons to stay in the game.

i thnk there should be used bombing campaigns where u can bomb a province and disable companies hospitals, ds etc who are there but not conquer a province
i also thnnkt there should be more weapons and some new kind of weapons(maybe carriers and nukes) where players cant buy but only government can

I dont like your idea.It is very expensive to build another company.Not every country can afford that

even IRL not every country can tho

Players should build Airplane companies, countries should build Airport and Aircraft carrier. It is not too expensive to build this facilities, according to current situation prices of the raw, something around 30 gold per each - so even the smallest countries can afford it.

Does it cost gold? No? Then admins will not even bother.

Try to read whole article, Ancestral. It cost gold.

Try to use your brain before shitposting. It is free.


Forget the rich/poor people discussion. This would be detrimental to poor countries that can t afford any of the other buildings in game right now. Also, this proposal would prohibit landlocked countries to fully support their allies in naval battles as they couldn t use carriers.
I appreciate the effort and would encourage you and more people to continue churning out new ideas, but I also hope some criticism is welcome
v+s bro

@Ancestral, no need for arguing. You should read this part of the article, - 2. It is already described that players need to build new factories, Airplanes factories. Q1-Q5 factories cost 10+20+70+170+370= 640 gold. So, gold is needed. IDK, what is your issue, I have no intention to start arguing and exchange insults with you.

@OldGunFighter, a healthy criticism is always welcomed here :-) Countries without naval region can not fight for their allies with the Aircraft carriers and Airplanes in Naval battles? Let s compare it with reality - can Hungarian Navy or Serbian Navy support international Navy campaign against pirates near the coast of Somalia with the Aircraft carriers? They can not. They can send some units to fight against them on the ships of allies. In the same time, if they want to be a part of naval warfare, countries are forced to conquer and hold some naval regions. Increasing need for having this type of region brings more wars.

Im just hopping at least for a factory discount again...

This is genius, they should pay you for this!

Not bad

Nice! Good idea!

@ButtersTM, don t worry they hate me, so they will never prise me (Admins, ofc) :-D

V o7

well, airplanes would be (again) imitating that other game...

Say no to updates. Levi sleeps all day

@komeng_saja, during the more than 1.5 year, we had only 1 capital update in the game, and it was introducing of naval warfare. According to my understanding, this game is boring and needs to be improved. Bring serial solution for the improvement of the game is a goal of this newspaper. If you don t want updates, simply don t read my articles ;-) Don t worry, I have a lot of ideas and I will continue to publish them here :-p

@Pony, it is pointless to try to find who is imitating what anymore. Except the name, there are not other similarity. Aeroplanes here are the 4. type of weapons, and there is a significant limitation in this concept - you can not use them if your country didn t built Airport or Aircraft carrier. This facilities can be destroyed by conquering the region where they are built, so we will got a new strategic dimension in organising war campaigns with this update. With this elements, Airplanes are something brend new for this type of games.

we had it already in that other game, old one. It was not a successful update