A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 05 Aug 2017 04:29 - 3


Author: Tom Killah
Date: 08/5/17
Location: TK’s Command Center
Today’s Topics:
1 - Current Situation and Announcement
2 - Platform and Goals
3 - Cabinet

1. Current Situation and Announcement
Hello everybody, long time no see! This is a very bad time for the United States right now, we have a President who has died in office, little activity, no government transparency, and many more issues. I have just recently returned to the game for about a month, allowing myself to re-familiarize myself with the game and update myself on what i missed during my absence. I’m sure that if you’ve read the shout feeds recently, you already know this, but I am running for a 3rd term as President of the United States. It is vital that we get ourselves back on track, and that is why I cannot sit back and let us fall further behind. I would also like to take this time to thanks islandwoodsie for all his hard work this month, doing his best to keep things up and running.

2. Platform and Goals
I have a pretty simple overall goal for the month, should I be elected: to restore activity to America. I intend to do this by starting with embling an active government, and then encouraging player activity. More specifically, here are some things I hope to accomplish as President:

- Bring back our Q5 Hospital in our capital (islandwoodsie has purchased one but it has yet to be seen if or when it will be sent to us)
*EDIT: The Hospital is in place now!*
- Restore communication between the government and citizens through regular articles and promote the return to Discord
- Coordinate with NEMESIS and neighbors to have steady battles
- Restore activity to an MU where we can get all of our active fighters in one place for the best coordination
- Restore bonuses as much as possible
- Work with the various parties in the US to ensure we get a good crop of Congressmen to cut down on the troll/fake law proposals

3. Cabinet
I’m still working on building a cabinet for administration, should i win. i have already been contacted by a couple people wishing to help in anyway, and it is much appreciated. We will all need to work together to make this month a successful one. If you havent contacted me yet and are interested in helping out or are interested in a cabinet position, please let me know, there are still many positions that need to be filled!

That's all for now, thanks for reading,
Tom Killah


Komentāri (3)

Thanks for the support, also I fixed all the formatting issues. o7
You got my vote.