Publicēts Germany - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 16 Sep 2017 18:08 - 69

This article is a special one about Panzer! It’s a way to celebrate our MU operating for more than 1 year now! The journey so far is long for us , but we are more than happy that we have achieved so many things so far. In the end Panzer was always a family and that’s not going to change even if game is alive or not.
Let’s get back to the early days of Panzer :
Everything started in this country , Germany and this community we all share a love for. Founding members of Panzer were Agoria,Drethgar,Peaky Blinder,Restive and Satanas. The unit started as an effort for a more ‘elite’ Military Unit with strong and active fighters , ready to participate in any battle without hesitation. To be honest back then we were just a bunch of in-game friends that wanted something better in military terms to be part of Germany. At the beginning we decided to keep the number of players in the unit limited to 10. That decision was for better organization , plus we didn’t have resources to supply a higher lated unit. The importance of Panzer in battlefield was shown shortly after our first organized hits. Soldiers ready to crush walls in the last minutes , fighting for their purpose hard enough to win. In the meanwhile we started recruiting players to join our purpose and way of playing the game. Up to this Day so many soldiers have been part of Panzer , but not all of them were meant to become really Panzer. While recruiting a member we kept voting among founding members . Even if one of us set a Veto , then we all respected it. When Germany reached it’s prime era Panzer was the strongest MU in the eWorld considering damage / players ratio. We were always much fewer than big MUs but our inflicted damage was never less.
The most important fact for Panzer was that between our members there are so many different characters. We all differ a lot in our RLs , way of thinking but we are certain for our gameplay style. Devoted to Germany and keeping our word , giving our best in every chance we get. Through the time Panzer developed it’s character ,inspired not only by facts of eRev world , but mostly thanks to new members that joined us. Brothers and sisters I can call them now , since this journey lasts long enough. Some of us exist more quietly , others are more hotheaded, economy specialists , strategic minds. In other words we combine among our members every aspect of this game. That’s what makes us special as unit.
Othen than crazy people of Panzer , friends we keep from our beginning or friends we made through strong mutual fights , it’s Germany as community that kept us united. Members of Panzer were always part of Germany government. Our players weren’t just part of an elite MU , but also an active military force to protect Germany and expand our goals as country. Always the biggest priority we had was to make Germany a stronger and active nation , seeking for the prosperity of the whole community. We lived moments when Germany was on the top nations and times we spared our regions as country in order to provide help in more important battles. Most important than all these , is that we never stopped fighting. Despite we were always just bunch of active players vs whole Alliance , the game seemed really worthless. Some of us were disappointed but we chose to insist and not quit entirely. That’s the significance of a Panzer spirit.
A one year long summary :
To be honest every true Panzer member has a positive experience. ‘Once you get in , there is no way out’ is the motto of Panzer and numerous players make it come true. Of course we are not perfect and there are hard times , but despite everything we have overcome every obstacle since today. None knows what future brings. Although none can erase all these happy memories , we share as Panzer. So many operations , fighting for every country in the eWorld , even the most weird times for majority of members we kept our word and were online. So many conversations in the voice channels of our Discord server, including every possible topic. We all know each other , some of us have met RL and everyday we login to this game because we are Panzer. In general if I had to describe the feelings that describe Panzer they would be : Sharing - Trust – Pion – Fun .
Summarizing we would like to thank everyone who participated so far in this journey! Players we didn’t imagine they would stand alongside us , share our pion and their resources to help us. Players that recognize game shouldn’t be one sided and have real meaning. Also we give a promise to the eWorld to keep our gameplay style as genuine as it ever was and that we will never stop developing.

See you againJauffreyAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralchicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpaMilesG 4 M p3trOs V E RG 4 M p3trOs V E RG 4 M p3trOs V E RLoving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0Loving Pabl0PeakyPeakyB A T A S H ABerl1nKhutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101Khutawyra101KroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaKroBacaGoodbye o7TopSecretDejanNKNino19Nino19Nino19Nino19Dora TonksAgoriaAgoriaAgoriaAgoriaAgoriampilanakisp0lak malyp0lak malyp0lak malyp0lak malyWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoWeeDeRiNo KiNgeRiNoNaDuVaNi LiKNaDuVaNi LiKNaDuVaNi LiKNaDuVaNi LiKGropiusNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonNilsonRyuko MatoiPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKBaja90Baja9012345123451234512345KavehKavehKavehKavehKavehKavehKavehKavehKavehOnce a Panzer always a PanzerFrank05Frank05Frank05NikolaosNikolaosNikolaosNikolaosNikolaosWicked WitchWicked WitchKomentāri (69)

Panzer with all my heart!

Hail Panzer o7

Congrats my friends! I wish many more years of making game interesting and fun! Panzers o7


Congratz mates

Panzers o/

Panzer, Gott mit uns o7

Panzers o/

Hail Panzer! o7

Achtung Panzer!

u see how shit u are when you are the best german MU called panzer but at avatar is a russian t72 tank

@sidrit007 , Your kind of people is really strange, at least have some decency to vote or not this neutral article, no stupid comments please

I wonder how many of you are Germans as nationality...


@peaky blinder im just saying what is true :-) aint this allowed ??

@sidrit007 , really 

@sidrit please return my bike , it isn t funny!!

@fric u have to take it at my mercedes

V777 we are germans irl :troll: Deutchland uber alles.

Hail Panzer o7

Seil Heil !




awww :3

@sidrit gtfo, learn history or at least use web, its a Panzerkampfwagen IV, i know u are gurgian but nevertheless...

Congrats dear fake germans 💐

achtung salty gurgians. Heil leichtraktor


Fric izdajico vracaj se :-D


Thank you for great pastime in Panzer! It was pleasure for me

You have been banned from game communication o7



Panzer ❤ Kumangaard

Allways a pleasure figthing along side you. Very good allies that are not afraid to play this game in hard mode vs a superior enemy. Portugal will allways remember you. Together and with other brave people we did the impossible, we survived and we are prospering

O7 !!!

@agoria when panzer IV was used metal plate armour wasnt even invented and second is no german tank ever used that kind of armor
also its clear that is a t72

Hail Panzer o7

Hail Panzer o7

Hail PANZER o7

@marcial Amen

thanks to everyone for the kind words and gurgians try to get a couple regions first ya have less than uk lol

Once a Panzer, always a Panzer

Hail Panzer o7

Congratulations guys o7


i did not read this but its so awesome that u wrote this much and this ppl read this XD

panzer pirinci o7




Hail Panzer Hail Germany o7

Hail Panzer Hail Germany o7

@sidrit007 as long as the nva/gdr has used t72 (they did), it should be okay. ; )

Good Luck Guys o7