Daily News

Publicēts Netherlands - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 11 Dec 2017 13:53 - 30

Hello everyone, I want to discuss with you about one thing: Can eRevollution survive?

Firstly, what is eRevollution:

Online game, where PEOPLE from around the world play together in a virtual community.

So, to become and to stay a game, eRevollution needs PEOPLE. Real, active players.

How can we see activity in eRevollution:

In news tab: Place where news that are TOP rated gets in view. So, more the votes and comments, makes article quality. Here, we can see that exept 1st and 2nd, other 3 doesent have together votes as the first one.
When people are not intrested in writing articles, you cant have good game at all. So, on this scale: eRevollution won't survive.

Let's see local news:


https://image.prntscr.com/image/eZJruvNiQNOm8X8j4JFfxw.pngand many other countries.

Than, the Government:


and many other countries. In this segment: eRev can't survive.

Country activity:

Admins are not listening players, and making really bad implementations such as:


What is next: Farm*ille game style?

eRev had a great start, but now, I'm not sure that eRev will survive until 1st birthday.
Admins need to start to listen to players. and help small communities.
Country CANT function without CP and GOV! And admins need to do something about it! Remove countries that have less than 50 ACTIVE !! REAL ACTIVE players! Players that logged in in the last 30 DAYS!

This game cant survive without REAL PEOPLE, and with such bad policy, new registered players won't stay here.. Games of this genre, are not that funny anymore, so do something to make it funny and atractive to new players, and to keep old ones!


K o BShimonChaiShimonChaiGiovinco69BunnyLiuGovernadornagant895Captain HarlockdanischimDevil of Bosnia

Komentāri (30)

nino lopove
Answer is simple, NO this game is dead now.
People complained, many gave up; people greedly took the gold, many gave up; the game in unbalanced, many give up; people giving up, another online game bites the dust.
game is already dead
Croat Warrior 70 euro for 420 gold... how can they survive... xD if 420 gold maybe 7 euro then creator earn something and publish advertisment ..then game would be beter..
game is already dead and admin doing nothing for make it better :|
Game is dead...
shout up
Ima mene ima VOTE
The lack of proper development is the key factor, what they need is some blasting event with some awesome promotions ... they need THINK TANKS ... these are very hard times for eRevollution and they (Admins/Team) need to think out of the box here. If they fail to do so i fear it will end like many others.
IMA Homers S IMA vote
The thing is simple: many wrong choices, many wrong decisions, leads us to the death of the game. It is obvious, man power, brain power in the admins (owners) team is tragically LOW. Players offers many excellent improvements for the game, but they refused most of them (or almost all). Their attempt to find the exit from this sad situation was launching the new game with fantastic, innovative name and similar success (failure). This game is dying, people who invested time and money here was a victims of the their plots. What now? Stay until the end and turn off the lights or run away? The choice is yours.
can bitconnect survive Laugh https://bitconnect.co/?ref=aherceg xd
I agree. Admins need to find solution ASAP! They don t even read or interface with us anymore.. Sad.
Erepublik je živ !
Armenia CP Pepe the frog will save erev
Had you until you suggested countries with at least 50. My country is not that big and we have a small community, the same community you were talking about. So now why would you like to destroy it for us?
to many dead countries and many are just farms for others.. they should be removed or regions could be changed
they chose the wrong way
Well, now that I read the article (just a little bit), I agree with cOSHi, destroying a small community doesn t seems to be a good way to save the game - it would only serve to annoy the few players from these countries (``farming`` by big countries may be a problem, but hardly a problem that can kill the game - the damage was done by admin updates, not by big or small countries). How this would solve the problem, the overall lack of players? Also erev in fact survived it`s first birthday - it started in the beginning of 2016. The fact is this game is just a clone of a certain famous game which is ``dead`` since 2012 or before but still ``living``. I would suggest to the admin to add more to the social module, as the possibility of upvoting comments and comment inside comments as the original game allows. About the military part, well, the better solution is to allow everyone to shine, even if just a little, by adding missions, challenges, medals etc. that everyone can do - well, this was the erev situation until some months ago, when they changed challenge and TP/TA medals (and in this aspect erev was way better than the original game, until the recent bad updates, of course)
Ironic, but both sides has right... Killing small countries and removing their regions for the game can ensure new dynamic in the game. Also, this will motivate some players to abandon this game. Maybe the solution is in the middle - lowering the number of needed players and giving a time for attracting new players. Faced with the possibility to stay without country, players from smallest countries will be forced to attract new players or to compromise with the players from other smallest countries. Several small countries can be integrated into the one, more serious country, with functional Government, national economy and even their place on the war Arena.
Game died the in the long night of gold prices of medal changed
And yet you made no good suggestion for improvement... Being negative is the easieast way...
game died from banned ukrainian players without reason . . . and admins make a decide and punish enemy players for nothing xD
Game died when admins made update on true ally and true patriot medals!
I am still playing eRep, therefore I don t care much what will happen to eRev, will it survive or not. As long as it lasts is fine for me.
Game is arleady dead . It killed by admin. When he made up-down-grade