Publicēts Japan - Finanšu lietas - 30 Dec 2017 02:04 - 24
During the political changes in Japan, stepping down of former CP, ArchAngel 70 and voting for a new, Qurcika, a safety mechanism was triggered with the laws about donations of the state gold to CP: and . Old CP and the Government take the position of the Guardians of the Japanese public gold from the former era.
New Emperor of Japan and new Government is starting from the beginning with economy, with limited resources in a treasure.
After a short discussion a group of players agreed to give a loan to Japanese treasure on two months. This group is leaded by the new Emperor and PM. Every of us donate some gold and make a screenshots (and I am presenting them here).
1.Qurcika 1300 gold
2. Jellal Fernandes 500 gold
3. Ernan Kortes 600 gold
With this donations Japanese treasure has now 2401.6 gold, and this are a loans without interest made on the day 720 in the game. After 60 days Japan is obligated to return gold to the rightful owners. Also, there is an option to arrange a new agreement about prolonging loan, but this depends of the good will of both sides.
There is also an option for other players in Japan to join this action if there is interest for this kind of help to your eHomeland. If there will be new loans, this article will be updated. As a PM of Imperial Japan I am sending gratitude to the players who decided to help Imperial Japanese Treasure with this loans.
Addition No 1
Issue law was launched 400000cc for 2000 gold
After this, Emperor Qurcika donated to Imperial Japanese Treasure further 700 gold.
Addition No 2.
Former Emperor ArchAngel 70 decided to spend 80 gold of public gold for installing Hospital q5 in Kinki.
Addition No 3.
El Machicho donated to Japanese Imperial Treasure 1000 gold.
Any other changes will be published in further Additions.
Imperial Japan returned loans. For details ask Emperor.
Signed by PM of Imperial Japan
Jellal Fernandes
New Emperor of Japan and new Government is starting from the beginning with economy, with limited resources in a treasure.
After a short discussion a group of players agreed to give a loan to Japanese treasure on two months. This group is leaded by the new Emperor and PM. Every of us donate some gold and make a screenshots (and I am presenting them here).
1.Qurcika 1300 gold
2. Jellal Fernandes 500 gold
3. Ernan Kortes 600 gold
With this donations Japanese treasure has now 2401.6 gold, and this are a loans without interest made on the day 720 in the game. After 60 days Japan is obligated to return gold to the rightful owners. Also, there is an option to arrange a new agreement about prolonging loan, but this depends of the good will of both sides.
There is also an option for other players in Japan to join this action if there is interest for this kind of help to your eHomeland. If there will be new loans, this article will be updated. As a PM of Imperial Japan I am sending gratitude to the players who decided to help Imperial Japanese Treasure with this loans.
Addition No 1
Issue law was launched 400000cc for 2000 gold
After this, Emperor Qurcika donated to Imperial Japanese Treasure further 700 gold.
Addition No 2.
Former Emperor ArchAngel 70 decided to spend 80 gold of public gold for installing Hospital q5 in Kinki.
Addition No 3.
El Machicho donated to Japanese Imperial Treasure 1000 gold.
Any other changes will be published in further Additions.
Imperial Japan returned loans. For details ask Emperor.
Signed by PM of Imperial Japan
Jellal Fernandes
Death Angel AzrielPeakyQurcikaArchAngel 70XooKaip3VincentKomentāri (24)

signed by emperor qurcika o7

good o7

this should be fun, Shisui and Gurgians, I will watch this saga, you have one sub more


Peaky you are welcomed to join Imperial Japan, but only with a single account ;-)

this is so ridiculous

Honestly i like that they try to revive Japan Empire. I had the privilege to be there at best of times when both Yakuza and Amaterasu MUs were there.Aye keep up the good work and keep your mind open dont ever be another satelite nation of any alliance Japan never was.
Nippon BANZAI!!!

Regardless of any role in the past ALL former eJapanese are welcomed to rejoin Imperial Japan! As a PM I will approve every application for citizenship without hesitation. So, DrethGar, be free to concern yourself as invited to come back here. Nippon BANZAI!!!

Emperor Qurcika
DD It will be fun to read this article again after they rob and leave this country.

*Uncle Cortes was my name on discord
I m Ernan Kortes

Sorry, correction is on the way :-)

@jaca in tresury 0 gold when i begin ) why you are so stupid ??

Smell like multi gold 

@el Hommy, check involved accounts and compare with your. What account has more chance to be multi?

@Qurcika you are lying again. The treasury has 1,6 gold when you begin
And I m talking about the old japanese citizens tax, which you could rob in the future.
It is a very good idea to secure the former era s golds from you. What time will you start to cry for this? 

As a one of old Japanese, I also put 500 gold to Japanese Imperial Treasure. If you have some doubts about the new Japanese Emperor Qurcika, just come to Japan and apply for citizenship. As far as you are citizen of another country, Jaca, we can not take your claims as a serious.

I didn t claimed anything
Just wrote my opinion. You know, this is aan article which can be read and commented from the whole e-world
BTW good luck guys, let s revive this country.

tnx for good luck )

Good luck but don t trust Qurcika.

Well done Jellal
Thus far Japan economy is handled much much better than I have to admit I believed it will be.