Publicēts Denmark - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 05 Jan 2018 11:51 - 25
Hello Readers
It has been long long time since i write something, actually i never wrote anything serious before and I quit writing when one of my article was deleted with some lame reason, anyways not here to discuss that what is done is done.
Today i am AGAIN trying to play my part in order to provide a positive input into the game but this time as a player/user/consumer of this game, hope some MOD/Admin read this article and take it as a positive criticize. Recently Admin again write an article which is about upcoming second anniversary and the new changes. It is good to see some free stuff and changes into the game and it is also absolute that some players will like those changes and some will not.
These are regular or expect events but i am gonna try to tell to admin/owner of this game what they should be doing apart of this regular or expected changes or event.
Do anyone ever see any effective/attractive/interesting event into the game in last two years do anyone remember any event worthy in these two years? The answer is definitely NO. The reason i ume is lack of decent coders, now coders are the key to this kind of strategic game portals, there are tons and tons of suggestion and decent suggestion posted by players in last two years and none of them where implemented into game now it is not like that administration didn't read or discuss those suggestion as an X-MOD i can tell you that they do discuss those suggestion in there sessions but they never able to deploy or implement any decent suggestion made by players into the game is because the lack of decent coders.
Now that is one problem for this game, but we have another major issue which is actually becoming a pain for user/players who like to play this game and also want to take benefits from these event promotion. There is no proper payment gateway integrated into the game since last two years. I am not sure what is the reason but i ume it can be few such as the admin/owner native country dose not have any payment gateway but this is very rare, and if they had a proper payment gateway then there is only one reason that they do not have any private or corporate company register into the country which is almost a primary requirement to gain any payment gateway from banks. The administration should start thinking about this issue very very seriously.
Last but not least fame of game and interest of a player into the game, as we learn above that we had no notable event in last two years so nothing interesting or new for the players/users, we have players who like to play the game and buy golds and stuff but they can't due to no payment gateway and above that if you notice new player registration into the game is gradually decreasing which can be very effective in near future so they need to start invest in advertising to bring new blood into the game.
Thanks for reading the article vote and sub if you like the effort.
That a All For Today
Proud eRevollution Citizen
It has been long long time since i write something, actually i never wrote anything serious before and I quit writing when one of my article was deleted with some lame reason, anyways not here to discuss that what is done is done.
Today i am AGAIN trying to play my part in order to provide a positive input into the game but this time as a player/user/consumer of this game, hope some MOD/Admin read this article and take it as a positive criticize. Recently Admin again write an article which is about upcoming second anniversary and the new changes. It is good to see some free stuff and changes into the game and it is also absolute that some players will like those changes and some will not.
These are regular or expect events but i am gonna try to tell to admin/owner of this game what they should be doing apart of this regular or expected changes or event.

Do anyone ever see any effective/attractive/interesting event into the game in last two years do anyone remember any event worthy in these two years? The answer is definitely NO. The reason i ume is lack of decent coders, now coders are the key to this kind of strategic game portals, there are tons and tons of suggestion and decent suggestion posted by players in last two years and none of them where implemented into game now it is not like that administration didn't read or discuss those suggestion as an X-MOD i can tell you that they do discuss those suggestion in there sessions but they never able to deploy or implement any decent suggestion made by players into the game is because the lack of decent coders.

Now that is one problem for this game, but we have another major issue which is actually becoming a pain for user/players who like to play this game and also want to take benefits from these event promotion. There is no proper payment gateway integrated into the game since last two years. I am not sure what is the reason but i ume it can be few such as the admin/owner native country dose not have any payment gateway but this is very rare, and if they had a proper payment gateway then there is only one reason that they do not have any private or corporate company register into the country which is almost a primary requirement to gain any payment gateway from banks. The administration should start thinking about this issue very very seriously.

Last but not least fame of game and interest of a player into the game, as we learn above that we had no notable event in last two years so nothing interesting or new for the players/users, we have players who like to play the game and buy golds and stuff but they can't due to no payment gateway and above that if you notice new player registration into the game is gradually decreasing which can be very effective in near future so they need to start invest in advertising to bring new blood into the game.

Thanks for reading the article vote and sub if you like the effort.

That a All For Today
Proud eRevollution Citizen
AZTEKziziMlraclENSKBPROIronHideMVJSPony of DarknesschicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpaKocaelispor41AustinPKAustinPKAustinPKPeakyXooKaip3BeslanMandoKomentāri (25)

nice one bro.


agree there is no interesting event in this game need to improve that

Admins doesn t like you anymore, so you choose to got their attention this way? There is a rule in the game : if you don t want to see some idea implemented in the game, just write the article and ask owners of the game to use it for next update. Don t worry, you have better chance to find 2 pink stones in the single day, than see Admins implementing useful ideas of the players in the game.

@Jellal as i said they always lack in coders and if they don t hire decent coders the coming year will be the same as two before.

Nice reading, voted! The lack of payment options is a big problem, because without a propor revenue admins will not care to improve the game, only to mill the pockets of the few remaining players until this die...

You were one of the reasons why people lost their faith in this game with your biased decisions. So who gives a sss about your opinions.

@Kinyas you were always a unreasonable guy who just talk and want things as per your command but guess what you were a talking shit idiot before and you are still the same so buzz off and get a life.

@kinyas +1, must admit one of the best players in the game
@St0l3n, such an answer like your (to kinyas) was a reason for a mute and deleted by mods in the past. But rules are not the same for every player in the game, we all witnessed so many times in the game

Exactly when u start abuse we mute u as a mod so why complain about that?

Kinyas talking about reasons why ppl lost faith in this game ahhahahah. best shit i heard in months...go get yourself a mirror before talking trash like that mate

IDK how someone like you can be mod and punish players for abusing if you allow yourself to do even worse things. Check this (Telling other player is talking idiot is a definition of braking rules and mods should punish you. Also this is confirmation of my idea that choosing you for a moderator was a mistake) I really don t understand your rules when you are defending some players of abusing, and in the same time you are telling other players that they are idiots. Is it something wrong with you?

First IDIOT is not an abusive word and I am no more MOD so if u tell me something like who give ass ... so yah u should expect the reply in same manner ... Yet i tried to be nice by calling him an idiot. 😂

I don t care about your personal struggling. But I am expecting to see mods (and former mods) as a serious people, not to act like jerks. About you - picking you for a moderator, was mistake by admins (my personal opinion). About kinyas - he understood game well, made a goal and accomplish this goal. It is not his duty to save the day (or save the game). Do you hate him only because he is playing this game far better than you?

So if you don t care, why you expect me to care about your opinion? You like one player it is your call and i don t hate anyone not even you when you are continuously trying to insult me with your every comment. So chill mate i always did what i think was right and in the good interest of the game, whatever i did was a REACTION against the NEGATIVE ACTION.

kinyas is best but stol3n is better hahaha

Again strange measurement. I don t hate you, nor insult you. All I do, is claiming that you was not suited for a moderator. This is NOT insult. Calling other players idiot IS insult! I am trying to help you understanding basics of proper human communication. Or should I wait a little bit you to grow up?


new blood without a new fighting system isn t possible. U need like 1 years to go to 1/10 of the power of an old player.


@St0L3n, dont waste your time arguing with shisui (jellal) he is same as kinyas, if smth isnt how they are planned you are then worst guy on this planet. V+E

@Hime, just keep trolling. Actually I am not against the idea in the article, just noticed that this game has far worse issue. Coders are not a weakest part of the chain.

Agreed m8..coding is by far the greatest issues of this game, accompanied by the lack of consistent visual design/appeal. Simply, people are not going to pay (even if there is a proper method) for something that is not fun and is mostly made from borrowed visual elements.

@Jellal don t forget that in order to implement ANYTHING you need a coder.