Revolution today

Publicēts Serbia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 29 Feb 2016 00:53 - 62

Greetings citizens and, hopefully, admins.
Last few days i saw a lot of shouts from players claiming that they have been scammed by other players when they try to trade with someone who is offering items for trade on all shout wall.

As this scam situation is trending, i would like to propose solution to admins in hope they will accept and implement this system in game.
Of course, if majority of you, players, find this system useful and you support it.

I here by present you: Legal black market... it sounds weird but it is actually a thing. 

System functions are following:
Clicking on player name lead you to his/her profile, and there will be button for inviting player to trade.
Please view images in new tab/window for maximum clarity.

When you invite player to trade or when someone invite you to trade, appropriate alert will inform you that someone want to trade with you. Picture:

When player accept your trading invitation, together, you are linked to something like "anti scam room" where your transaction will be done.
System there is simple, you will see 3 sections of information:
     Your inventory (gold and all available items in your inventory). Trading table or pool. Here you transfer items from your inventory for player to see what are you selling to him. Player information. Basic player profile so you can decide not to help your foes by selling them items.
So, basicly, you add items from your inventory to table, this represent your offer to other party. At this point, items are still safe in your storage.
Then wait for other player to add his items/offer on table. When you saw and carefully calculated offer, if you are happy with offered/possible transaction, you can press "ACCEPT OFFER" button.

At this point you can't add or remove items from table to storage and vice versa. Other player can't do this as well.
Only if both sides click "ACCEPT OFFER" button, transaction will be done. Pictures:

If you like this idea, please Vote this article to top 5 for admins to see and maybe consider to implement this trading system.
Subscriptions and endorsements are highly appreciated.

Thanks for reading... Cornflakes


Portuguese soldiermybememybememybememybemePhantom986GdzieJaJestemThe_French_Tickler_777IgotUKami Neko

Komentāri (62)

S+V NIje lose, nije lose Wink
Dobro !!
Vote !! I want to vote this over and over xD
Vote + Sub!
That´s a good idea, but then you also have to implement a means from your country to discover this black market and make you paying the taxes
Thanks for support guys. Hvala na podrsci. @elovione, i am sure it can be arranged with some import tax. There are countries with really weak market, i am sure that players are willing to pay some tax to keep trading and be interested in game. o/
black market is called black cause iits ilegal and u cant be safe there...
I think this is so complex for admin Laugh He is confused now
Yup i fully support this idea Smile I was thinking of making an irticle too but you were fast :p Very Nice
black market is called black cause its ilegal and u cant be safe there... If you want to buy something buy it from market. There would not be a way to prevent abuse of this system. It would done more harm that good.
S+V =)
Its a good idea but then the whole point of buying from black market is not what it used to be
Muy bueno V+s
Why would we add something to help you avoid paying taxes in your countries? Black market is called black market because its unregulated.
Ok, as i write few comments earlier, this does not need necessary to be "legal black market", i see some of you cant comprehend concept of this. Let's say this will be EXPORT IMPORT MARKET, and you pay tax for import. Those who want to avoid taxes are free to use "BLACK MARKET" and cry on shout wall about getting scammed. Is this concept clearer now?
Very nice idea man, i was thinking about something like this, but i dont know how to put this images with numbers and everything v+s and admins thnk about this....
bravo za clanak
What is the point of having a license then ?
Nice idea.... But we need to add tax for it. Why would we sell craps through market when we can trade without being taxed..? Aside from this, I hope some people knows how to wait before accusing others of scamming.
This man is a thief
Nice voted
great idea
if you are in an illegal activity, please take the risks! Smile no vote... Do not ease the game please. complicate it more for more fun!
Vote like a universe! Awesome work!
postoji igrica koju su napravili neki poljaci valjda(ona sa 4-5 servera, ne secam se vise koliko ih ima, valjda znas na koju mislim Laugh ) koja ima opciju ugovora izmedju dve strane, koja je slicna ovoj tvojoj ideji... ta opcija je totalno unistila markete drzava, svi kupuju na crno, jer je jeftinije, a niko ne moze da te izradi.. tako da je to u neku ruku losa ideja zbog marketa, poreza i ostalih sranja, ali je i dobra za one koji kupuju na "crno" jer uvek dobijes to sto si platio.. Imas glas i pretplatu o7
vote for good article, but i believe such a change would make markets to totally collapse and they would have no meaning in this game o7
Vote Smile
Naravno, ovakva ideja je vec implementirana i par igara koej sma ja igro u vidu contracta (necu navodit sada ime igre) i samo contractu pruzaju puno vise opcija kao sto je naprimjer dizanje kredita ali narvno i samo trejdanje i da to je unistilo igru. Tako da ideja je ok, al msm da ce to unistit domace trziste.
I love this idea, it would certainly makes trading more secure. But, I don't think it's going to happen since you're asking admins to legalize tax evasion.
Great idea brother, it is a little bit like steam trade system. I think it would work 100% fine. V+S
few days back there was an article regarding update by some random user, when i read first thought which came in my mind was ... "Hey almost cover all online game good shit in one article" The only thing which was missing was e-sim contract module. Thank for for sharing that too in this article, really impressive clone observation Laugh
This is tax evation, cry all you want when avoiding taxes, buy from trading center, end of problems, you pay, he receives
markets will be useless
nice idea with adding taxes for that... but taxes should be shown at the beginning of the trade... to be honest i dont know how to set taxes on for example weapons for food trades... :/ that whould also open some very nice new parts of the game... like trade embargos counting for direct trades too and different import taxes between countrys... problem there could be that if a CP sets a high import tax for a good wich he just sells in his country so he can act as monopolist on his whole country market without the chance for other players to buy from someone else... it is a complex thing with a lot of risky factors wich could be abused but if its done right it whould be a great new feature... @gg29 market licenses are just for setting offers in the trade market... for a way of trading like this (directly from 1 person to another) you have to be active... so market licenses whould still have the same importance as before... they whould be still good to save some time...
NO NO nO Wtf ppl. Only thing we need, is a scam button, thats it. We already have a market. Black market IS black market.
Jedna od najboljih ideja u vezi ove tematike do sad, s obzirom da je black market jednostavno nemoguće zaustaviti ili spriječiti..
selling q1 heli // 100 = 7g // 200 = 13.5g // 300 = 20g // 400 = 26.5g // pm me
Selling q3 houses 4 in stock i give the money so you can buy it from the market 10 gold each if you take all 4 i give 5 gold discount Smile
Make trading chat pls