Publicēts Croatia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 05 Feb 2018 15:00 - 68
...well long story short...
in a galaxy far,far away
...bla bla bla...
just look at the picture ^^ a top secret Balkan famous bar... that you saw it, here's the rewarding game ^^
after all I have to treat you for my bday.
1st 50 comments will get free gift...umm...600q3 food/comment ok? :)
if we get 200+ subs...some more gifts might jump in...
blurb blurb submarines?! ...hmm 400q1 submarines to 15 random comments from " like-a-sites" :)
but that's not all...let continue some more :o
best 5 comments will get 200q5 helis
(pshhhh...The Dark Kn1ght will choose them,so spam his PM in polite way to select you :p)
and if we go total nuts in the article I might give even more presents ;)
so thats 30k q3 food, 6k q1 submarines, 1k q5 helis aaaaand...
Thank you all for coming here & hf in eRev,
now go pew-pew in those battle's :)
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happy bday

Voted. No need food

Sretan rođendan :×*********

Vote 5 o7

sretan ti rođendan splycho!

sve najbolje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oooo sretan rođendan!! o

Sretan rođendan 🎊🎉🎊

Srecan rodjendan!

kako bi reka jedan pristojan deckon. soy un hombre decente que exporta flores.
ja nisan tako jeftin vidimonse sutraaaaa
sreetnooooo zivija jos bar 101

Nek je sretan 😀

Srećan rođendan!

Zivio oj-ja

Sretan rodjendan!

The only thing missing in those pics is ....... oh I know.. the admin in the back counting the cash he did on the back of the gamers


Ne trazim nista osim,,, dodi tu i tamo na onu igru kaj ne spominjemo ovdje 

Just like Christmas between the ditches

Srecan rodjendan!

Sretan rodjendan

Srecan rodjendan brat! o7

Sretan rodjendan!

Happy Birthday

Sreeetan rođendan! HŽV!

Happy Birthday

I miss spanish country balls but We usually are in beaches not in bars 

You say Pew Pew?

Sretan rođendan!

Sve najbolje splycho o7

Happy birthday man! Nice kippah on Albania 

V30 S156 sretan rodjos brajo..00:01 splycho says why you have to be mad xD..hail erev hh

Comentd. Want food. Thanks. Happy birthday

Srećan rođendan! Ne šalji ništa.

Boldog kabbeafaszom

Hepi brdej tu ju, stavi prst u struju...

happy bday !

Sve najbolje tebi i tvojima!

o/ šefe čestitam

Srecan rodjendan!

Happy birthay I hope you will live 100 more years.I wish you all best.

Beautiful picture ! Im jealous !
Happy birthday anyway! 😜


V38 s160 xD

V40, s161. Happy birthday!

V42 S162
00:00 everyone with NAP
00:01 the NAP is over, they kill each other xD

V43 ..sub 163 ... give 600 birthday cake 😂😂😂...happy bday

Funny, happy b-day

v/s (vrati sub)
sretan rodjedan!

Happy birthday!

C mamo XD

This birthday looks like Mortal combat
Happy birthday anyway!!!

SR 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

@all ty once again,food is sent to all, yay!
@asmin i ll try to make some admin ball in the future,nice idea
@KroBaca ima me i tamo na dnevnoj bazi
@Hermer this was balcan theme,next time will be worldwide
@Pew Pew yup,yup...pew-pew
@syth Gib food!!!! Ok
@wesker88 ...if only i thought of NAP
@AlbRevolution bread is healthier
@Mjura sub san ti od stoljeca sedmog haha lets get this party going on!!! Vote,sub,share,comment,pew pew

Sretan rodjendan i od babe o7

Happy birthday. 


Happy bday man 😁 Sve najbolje o/

Happy b-day, greetings from Poland! 

kosovo freee

happy birthday mate
wish you all best

our secret donator wanted to share some hellis (200Q5/player) with 4 random people from the are @Jinky Jonston, @mrGoodcat, @MasterAltair and @TovarDante... next will be 15 random people to get submarines 

What a nice surprise! Great thanks! I wish you success!!!

Happy birthday,bro! I wish you more good articles,tons of gold,a lot of sponsors and lots of luck!!!

The Dark Knight himself has chosen 5 individuals to receive additional rewards, @Haile Selassie I , @Mjura , @Spage moj CP , @Skynet00 and @mac1990... last reward will be submarines to 15 random people