
St0L3n - Avīze no Pakistan -

Publicēts Croatia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 18 Feb 2018 08:47 - 9

Hello Readers
Finally we got what we all were waiting for, the long awaited war event M-UNIT TOURNAMENT including some more in-game changes/upgrades. As soon as game Admin post the article we got some quick reactions on it, I am going to slice that article and review it.
I am sure the idea is to bring some decent activity and distribute some good prizes into the players to encourage them, however the execution is very poor and immature. The article is posted on Day 770 (18 Feb)  and tournament started on Day 771 (19 Feb) and by the rules of this tournament you can not change the Military Unit from 1 day left.

Now i don't understand if you post the article on Day 770 and tournament started on Day 771 how can anyone actually change the Military Unit?

Error: You can not leave the military unit until the tournament is over.

This is not the only thing which matters, The changing CS rule, Military Unit Restriction on CS ... i mean this all already in the existing in-game mechanism do they really  think this trough? I am pretty sure they didnt and this is very frustrating for all of us.

Now this tournament is based on damage and in-game there are two types of damage Land Damage and Naval Damage, and we all know that there is huge difference in both damage, it simply don't make sense for Naval fighters and it will create more frustration into the users.

The prices of product will go haywire now as we didn't get the time for preparation especially for low producer again the timing is bad.

Last but not least. GOLD MINE? Seriously GOLD MINE? I agree that there is no harm in taking examples from another game but simply copy paste is not the option neither it is ethical.
Now the new tweak/upgrade in the game is for STORAGE, which is having products on market to free space in storage will not be possible anymore. and it is also effected from Day 771.

Apart of this that it should be done since beginning  of the game but still i like the idea to terminate the fake farming of RAW, Admins need to be more realistic on this one there are many users who have been playing fair and with in the game mechanism and they spend good amount of work tax in order to produce these RAW and products and by the game mechanism they keep there storage clean by posting stuff in market.

Now again the timing is bad seriously very very bad, Admins need to announce such major game change in advance giving fair time to all users to manage there stuff accordingly.

UPDATE: There is one good article with great suggestion regarding the storage issue please take a minute to read it

Now this one thing is very good in the recent article by admin is giving newbie a fair chance to join the race by increasing cap of Beginner Camp and Beginner Academy. We should appreciate this act from them too.

But by all said that WHO I AM TO JUDGE? Right? So I AM NOT THE JURY!! It is up to your guys to judge this.

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Komentāri (9)

yes some changes are bad they are enforced on immediate basis which will create panic in players and this panic is never good for games
lol... you think gold mine is the only idea from other games? everything *new* here comes from other games.
LOL no i dont think, i do know the primary idea to establish this game from somewhere else, however my point is at-least they can change the name of the item/product :/
v+s (thought I subbed you long ago)
Welcome to the party Demiurge Laugh
rip erev