Publicēts Romania - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 13 Apr 2018 10:58 - 8
Există în oameni mai multe lucruri de admirat decât de disprețuit.
Albert Camus
There are more things to admire in men then to despise.
Albert Camus

Sigurta Park a corner of heaven

Hotel Parkroyal in Singapore looks as if it’s straight out of a drawing on a computer screen.

Fre of the Spell by Francesco Queirolo,1757. The net is made of marble too!

This urinal in a German bar had a soccer goal and movable ball inside of it.

A volcano erupting right in Calbuco, Chile

The village of Bourtange, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands

A make up project that illustrates what the same hand looks like with different tones of skin color

A scar made during laser eye surgery

This 512-year-old Greenland shark is the world’s oldest vertebrate.


The “Titanic” compared to a modern cruise line ship

The Sun seen through an ultraviolet lens

Laerdal tunnel

This is how sakura blossoms look from above.

The first flower that grew in space

I wonder what kind of chicken could come out of this egg?

A Playboy for the blind

A river dolphin

A hairless guinea pig

A village in China

Lenticular clouds, The Far East

“The Mona Lisa” made of spools of threads

“This is me every Monday morning.”

People of the Guizhou Village had always dreamt about having their own source of water. Thanks to this man’s perseverance, their dream
became real. After 36 years of hard work, people dug up a 9,400 m water

As a child, this woman suffered from cerebral palsy and doctors didn’t think she would survive. But her willpower and athleticism helped
her overcome the disease.

100-year-old Fauja Singh is a Guinness record marathon runner who finished in 8 hours, 25 minutes, and 18 seconds, becoming the oldest
marathon runner to complete such a distance.

Ahhh... e deja sfârșit de săptămână, e timpul să te așezi, să te relaxezi și evident să privești pozuțele de vineri... :D
Vă doresc un weekend plin de soare, râsete, momente plăcute și îmbrățișări calde!
Să aveți grijă de voi și de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți! :)))
Ahhh... it`s the wekeend, time to sit back and relax and obviously to look at the Friday Funny Pics... :D
Wishing you a weekend filled with sunshine, laughters, pleasant moments, and warm hugs!
Take care of yourself and your souls and do not forget to smile!

Ps. Să ai pofte :D Mister Baubau!

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