Transilvania News

DreSanu - Avīze no Romania -

Publicēts Hungary - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 21 Sep 2018 13:55 - 13

In the end it was an Easy choice ;)



Komentāri (13)

So sad :/
Brazil make NAP your allies fight more for bonus that for you Laugh
produce in Germany
Rumor says that Peaky was born in Tyrol and today he cryed to much that his home land will be taken by Romania and all Germans decided to better fight in Tyrol than die in Peakys tears...
yeah nobody helps Brazil XD dont bother check their latest fights to see 90% of the damage being alliance
Romanians work in Serbia 4x100 😁 In this game we know who fight for allies, and who is hungry to get reasourses 😂
Butthurt Vlachi oy vey!
Romanian fake news!
Meanwhile in romania:fapfapfap
Meanwhile NAPgary is fighting hard only behind a DS Smile
Of course!