
Red Eagle - Avīze no Ukraine -

Publicēts Bosnia and Herzegovina - Politiskās debates un analīze - 28 Apr 2019 11:46 - 4

After recent discussions between the Government of Bosnia and the Government of South Korea the following rental agreement was agreed.

1. Bosnia rent from South Korea the regions  Gangwon-do (Cattle region) and Gyeonggi-do (Sand region) at the cost of 20 golds per region per month (40 golds monthly).

2. If this both regions are liberated by RW before therm of agreement, Bosnia will take it back as soon as possible.

3. South Korea agrees not to raise RWs and will not fight in RWs in both these regions if raised by others.

Published by Bosnian CP (Dear leader) The Great.



Komentāri (4)

Respect o7
Signed, South Korea vCP
Signed, South Korea CP