
St0L3n - Avīze no Pakistan -

Publicēts Romania - Pirmie soļi eRevollution - 25 Aug 2019 02:30 - 15

Greetings Citizens,

It has been long time since i wrote any game related article, today i am gonna break the chain 🙌🙌 Two years back i wrote an article about Damage Formula and how you can calculate it for yourself, however in times Admin made lots of changes in Equipment Sets, Weapons Firepower and Missile Firepower.

These changes has been made in different times on regular basis by Admin and inform citizen accordingly via there different articles, first i am gonna collect all info and place it in this article so it can be easy for everyone to read.

Equipment Sets Chart

LEATHER = OLD Equipment
MILITARY = NEW Equipment
To Buy/Exchange = Go to Store --> Special Items OR Go to Market --> Trade Broker

Weapons Firepower Chart

RPG cannot be produce nor can be sold via market or contract.
RPG can only be earn in rewards O can be bought from Store, Go to Store --> Special Items

Missiles Firepower Chart

Missiles can only be build  from Strategic Building OR can be earn via rewards
Missiles can not be sold via market or contract

Booster Firepower Chart

Booster can not be build OR sold via market or contract
Booster can be earn in rewards OR can be bought with occasional gold packs promos

Damage Formula:

dmg = ceil(((lvl x 5)+str/int) x (1+(rank x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits

Attribute used in formula:

lvl = your current experience level into the game
str = your strength into the game (for military/land)
int = your intelligence into the game (for naval)
rank = your military or naval rank
weapon = your weapon power
equipment = your equipment power (naval or military)
booster = your damage booster power
natural enemy = your natural enemy (if proposed by your country and approved)
missile = your missile power
hits = your number of hits to calculate the final output
ceil = to roundup the final output
dmg = Defense Shield 

Extra Notes
Natural Enemy give you extra 10%, however you need to put the proper value into the formula. By default firepower is 1.0  if you are hitting a country who is set as Natural Enemy on your country Military Page you will place value 1.1 into the formula.
If no Natural Enemy has been set and you activate booster just place booster firepower do  not put default value into formula. 
Rank  display as title on your profile under Military Rank and Navy Rank but you need number to put in formula you can find that chart on eRev wiki however that chart is not updated by Admin on wiki there are now up to 72 Military Rank and 24 Navy Rank, to get your proper rank use this URL ........ 124 is my profile ID replace it with your own and you will see something like this

First we going to divide formula into two, first part of formula contains your profile info which will actually calculate your base damage, the next half is our resources used and will calculate enhancement in your base damage. Do not get confused it is easy just follow me :D we will also make the color identical FIRST HALF IS RED .... SECOND HALF IS BLUE

dmg = ceil (((lvl x 5)+str/int) x (1+(rank x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits

I will take my profile for example

Now lets put all together 🤞🤞

dmg = ceil (((lvl x 5)+str/int) x (1+(rank x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits

dmg = ceil (((624 x 5)+41537) x (1+(71 x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits
dmg = ceil (((3120)+41537) x (1+(71 x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits
dmg = ceil (((44657) x (1+(71 x 0.05)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits
dmg = ceil (((44657) x (1+(3.55)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits
dmg = ceil (((44657) x (4.55)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits
dmg = ceil ((203189.35)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits

So we calculate first half and we have my base damage whish is 203189.35, now calculate next part we will not be using booster, natural enemy and missile so we will keep it NIL for now, we will also remove dmg as we are not calculating Defense Shield either we will use Q5 Air firepower and my Military Gloves firepower in formula.

ceil ((203189.35)) x (1 + weapon + equipment) x (booster+natural enemy) + missile) x hits

ceil ((203189.35)) x (1 + 2 + 0.7) x (NIL) + NIL) x hits
ceil ((203189.35)) x (3.7) x (NIL) + NIL) x hits
ceil ((203189.35)) x (3.7)  x hits

So we get second half which is enhancement and it is 3.7, lets multiple base damage with enhancement we will get single hit damage 👍👍

ceil ((203189.35)) x (3.7)  x hits

ceil (751800.595 x hits

Lets round up the decimal number 
751801  x hits

Now we have single hit damage, in battlefield you hit 20 hits by default, means you consume 200 energy and 20 weapons, so lets calculate.

751801  x hits
751801  x 20

So how we going to test that we calculate proper damage? Off course we will hit in battlefield and see if the damage is same

BINGO!! it is 100% accurate!!
I will also update this with NE damage but for now there is no battle for me now 😎😎😎

Please subscribe to my newspaper to appreciate the time and hard work Thank you

Thats All For Today


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Komentāri (15)

great job
Nice article
Perfect article! o7
perfect o7
Do you know other APIs? for countries, battles etc.
@Spock check PM
Who s lazy to calculate can use my spreadsheet:
Bravo o/
Bravo o7
wow, so much effort, great job
Bravo o7
Good job voted