Publicēts Romania - Finanšu lietas - 30 Sep 2019 13:20 - 3
As many of you know, food consumption replenishes your health bar and higher qualities of food replenish more health than lower qualities.
But, the quantity of food that gets consumed is related to the amount of health regenerated and through some analysis I have managed to come up with some results.
Food can be wasted if you regenerate health carelessly, for example, if you regenerate 200 points with Q3 food, you will consume 34 units of food, even though the math indicate that you should consume 200/6=33.33. The quantity of food is always rounded up to the closest integer and such, is important to recover energy at certain amounts depending on the quality of food that you have in your storage. The following data contains the appropriate amounts for each quality of food.
NOTE: The smallest unit of energy is 10 pts (you can't consume less than 10 energy on any activity)
Q1 Food ( 2 pts. recovery) - Any amount (since it it is divisible with any multiple of 10)
Q2 Food (4 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 20 (20, 40, 80, 100, 120 etc.) / Easy to remember: Any Hundreds (100, 200, 300 etc.)
Q3 Food (6 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 30 (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 etc.) / Easy to remember: Multiples of 300 (300, 600, 900 etc.)
Q4 Food (8 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 40 (40, 80, 120, 160, 200 etc.) / Easy to remember: Multiples of 200 (200, 400, 600 etc.)
Q5 Food (10 pts. recovery) - Any amount (since 10 is the smallest energy unit)
In conclusion, if you don't want to remember these numbers, just go for the Q1 or Q5 food.
But, the quantity of food that gets consumed is related to the amount of health regenerated and through some analysis I have managed to come up with some results.
Food can be wasted if you regenerate health carelessly, for example, if you regenerate 200 points with Q3 food, you will consume 34 units of food, even though the math indicate that you should consume 200/6=33.33. The quantity of food is always rounded up to the closest integer and such, is important to recover energy at certain amounts depending on the quality of food that you have in your storage. The following data contains the appropriate amounts for each quality of food.
NOTE: The smallest unit of energy is 10 pts (you can't consume less than 10 energy on any activity)
Q1 Food ( 2 pts. recovery) - Any amount (since it it is divisible with any multiple of 10)
Q2 Food (4 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 20 (20, 40, 80, 100, 120 etc.) / Easy to remember: Any Hundreds (100, 200, 300 etc.)
Q3 Food (6 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 30 (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 etc.) / Easy to remember: Multiples of 300 (300, 600, 900 etc.)
Q4 Food (8 pts. recovery) - Multiples of 40 (40, 80, 120, 160, 200 etc.) / Easy to remember: Multiples of 200 (200, 400, 600 etc.)
Q5 Food (10 pts. recovery) - Any amount (since 10 is the smallest energy unit)
In conclusion, if you don't want to remember these numbers, just go for the Q1 or Q5 food.
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Interesting, another bugged feature of this game... V+S!

Thanks for the subscribe Pony Of Darkness. I guess you can see it as a feature and play around it 

I dont know if it is bugged feature but it was implemented by admins and we were notified long time ago.