Glasnik Srpske Legije

Publicēts Serbia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 21 Dec 2019 12:10 - 19

Look what happen when you belive in Peaky Blinder words...


I want too use this situation to thank Peaky Blinder. He is the main reason why we managed to have so many regions. Our favorite Serb-hater managed to convince USA people to break deal they had with us. Together with his friends from Turkey he succeeded to convince us to expand our borders. And we accepted...



Peaky, Serbian people loves you. Do not worry, you will always be our favorite Serb-hater. We hope that you will help us in the future to gain new territories. Maybe you could invite us to Berlin? What do you think?


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Komentāri (19)

v c
Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh USS
a serb story LaughLaughLaugh
You did it, two-faced congratulations !! @passenger 🙈
Modu, what is your story? I do not see USA on the map and Turkey are in core regions Laugh
modu you are talking about real and this yugoslave talking for virtual world
Battal Gazi, why we are two-faced? Sad
eh, I don t like countries being completely whipped unless they re dead countries. you do you tho
@passenger Your Croatian friend has invaded our region in China. We didn t answer back the 1 week we wanted. So many messages were sent, even though we tried to communicate, they ignored them. We shot him once in the Croatian rebellion. To react. You have supported this wrong move against us. The Croatian prime minister cursed our religious belief and founding leader. He did this blasphemy on the Avengers. Everybody read it. After this mistake, we became enemies. And you supported them in spite of this big mistake.Then we supported you in the German war. Croatian war with Turkey. After betraying Turkey alliance. You say betrayal. Funny way. Turkey, a member of the Avengers. The Croatian prime minister cursed our religious belief and founding leader. You and your friends didn t say a word to Croatia about it. You have betrayed the original first turkey. By making a deal. Hungary takes over the territory of Mexico. From Turkey. I can say more. You won t accept what I m saying. You il be with your Croatian brother. That s enough, dude. Wink
Koju to vašu regiju su hrveki napali ?
.I want ask all enemies. Will you be happy when the turks destroyed? Of course its a game and we are fighting for improve our lands but should we use blame each other with bad words?
Im not using any bad words. This is a game for me and this articles are part of it. Im not interested in China story, we already choosed side. You lost your allies and do not blame me for that.
I am not blame you passenger. Even if you dont, we see how your people talking in all chat. We need just laugh and pass. Enjoy with game o7
Maybe someday we will be allies again Wink
Great Chinesse proposition to live An Train 5 stars
Somthimes Yugoslacia more active nation. Look there is empty peaple and Europe take out. AMERICA HAVE STRONG DEMAND. AND CHINA. WORK TO FLIGHT IN RUN. THE PROBLEM #SOCIAL AND FAMIMYLI LIFE
I am proud that i am in every mind of every erev serb, if you can just explain why serbia left romania dry it would be excelent
Maybe Romania will attack you to prove they are not dry Laugh I think than you will understand.