Publicēts Croatia - Politiskās debates un analīze - 26 Jan 2020 02:35 - 13
they have decided to made peace and stop this for some time.
Agreement was found very fast, without any problems and these are the statements:
2. Portugal ,France, Spain and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) wont fight in RWs of Israel and Vice Versa
3. Israel leaves UK regions to Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
4. Israel stays on Morocco regions
5. NAP validity will be 60 days from the day of signing it.
Presidents of each country signed this agreement!
P.S. If we lose finals today, this war was useless because we will wipe out Spain
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v c
a kad je bio taj rat uopće da mi neznamo,kaj nije bio tw
Hahahahha dobar ti je PS 🤣
Signed CP of France
where is Hungary ?
Signed, but unfortunately for you Spain will win
Jebo te FYROM... Severna bre...
PM of Israel
This is a NAP?
Signed cp of Israel