Yisrael HaYom

Publicēts Hungary - Politiskās debates un analīze - 24 Apr 2020 04:25 - 12

Today on the main feed we all saw a few printscreens that proves beyond doubt that TITZIANO is a cheater....

Even the login email and pword were made public.




FlyingCangarooFZoleeFlyingCangarooLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethHuMaViHuMaViHuMaViPingvinek UraPingvinek UraBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinBikkinNightwatcherHUNNightwatcherHUNNightwatcherHUNGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonClorofillaRikinatorMister NoPablo Costaambersagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18sagi18SzakacsShizofrenicliodianyqLendlSaruhanbey45Saruhanbey45Saruhanbey45FakerSar BellTheTimeChaserAndartesF4llen4ngelsportster883iron

Komentāri (12)

akkor donételj te geci
haha, au inceput bozgorii sa planga. jet acasa in mongolia Smile
Neked soha, nem elég, hogy lopod a fékaranyainkat?
bocs, a románok nem ismerik fel fordítóval a féket, tehát multi aranyainkat
Now it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that this whole mess is a Vlachian conspiracy to discredit r-Hungary and our Most Dearest Leader Talan. Ban titziano, ban MrBogdan, ban all the Vlachi cheaters! Here is proof a la Rumania. Registered a multi (www.erevollution.com/en/profile/102534) impersonating our CP just to say this: http://prnt.sc/s4sbhm
Mr Bogdan! Bozgor a szoroslabu kurva anyad, aki abba a rohadek cigany nemzetbe fosott teged, akik csak hazudni es elarulni tudnak mindent, amiert elni erdemes. Utolso alja vlach szemetkupac.....
You are a sad liar. Nice try, btw. Haha
Ahah speech will never be a proof
Damn you admin | you can just ban Iranian without any answers to them . See this guys : Ahwazz , joker evil , zizi , sexy man , brotherhood , nima1260 .... He also dont answer to us .. fucking idiot... Smile