Glasnik Srpske Legije

Publicēts Serbia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 12 Sep 2020 12:17 - 15

Right now, the only way to win is to use:


Spend 7 euros and you can do this:


Spend hundreds euros and you can have this:
Yes, you see it good. This wolf have 11.500 strenght and inteligence and soon he will be more powerfull than we are. Admin just put an option to buy unlimited strenght and inteligence.


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Komentāri (15)

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So, as expected, the pet was a trap to make the game even more pay2win xD
Interesting, passenger forgot mention that account with the name of D 28. She? has logged in last November or December last time, but she just came back this week to help freshly colonized Canada Laugh
hahaha, the game is getting funnier every day.. when you think there is no bigger nonsense than this game you login the next day and you are shocked again, even more Laugh
The worst part is even with the game in this state and most player complaining, there are still some people who spend dozens of €€ in this crap. So it seems that Admin business model is still profitable...
If it was game that it was worth to spend money I would do it, but ffs who finds erev worth money is weird hahaha
We all know the answer to that question Walen.... at this point, its kinda sad. Admin would change the game for the better if people would stop spending money just for some time...but no, obsession is stronger than sending a msg to admin to fix the game. -_-
So where can i buy this wolf?
...obsession is stronger than... - saying the guy who has just used 3 or 4 accounts at the same time some minutes ago, I like the self-criticism of slavish people Smile
lol, I used 3-4 accs but DIDNT use this one which is pretty strong and full of airs? yeah, that logic makes sense....but then again, expecting a good logic from a guy who gives € to game owners so he can feel the sensation of winning in a semi-alive game is really too much to expect... So I will just laugh. Btw. dont forget to shout about your new pay2win victory Wink wanted to win that battle with your own account (and with others), and you just lowered the difference with multies, but you saw that we are watching Laugh Don t think that you are so smart here and we are retards Smile And Don t forget to add a little more condescending content next time Wink
Second way make me leader
Whose wolf is that in the picture? Laugh
It’s no secret that the success of a war, even in real life, is a matter of money and money!!!