Kuman Times

Publicēts Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 25 Sep 2020 17:49 - 1

This article is the translation of the funny article of Afatdede

Afatdede gets up early and open the KumanCafe everyday. He makes coffee to all Kumans and they start to come to Cafe near day change. 

Chicagolupanpa is the earliest all times. And he becomes really angry if his coffee not ready yet. And if he is angry that means we have a long and exhausting day with full of operations. Thats why Afatdede fills his storage with coffee instead of airs. 

When we drink coffee it is time for planning our daily operations. Kocaelispor41, with his huge binder, usually give us briefings about potantial targets for our operations 

This morning Eldarion who knowns as the laziest of all Kumans suprisingly came first. Eldarion usually sleeps till night, even he nearly misses the late time operations. He joins op without proper sleep all time. 

Sometimes he fall asleep at operations and hit for the wrong side. So there are usually a sentry for keeping Eldarion at the right side of the operation. 

Anyway he came with a letter in his hand this morning. The letter adressed to the Bosnian Parliment. We argued a little about opening up the letter. At that time the letter torn apart. We tried to read the letter after amble the letter. 


When we read the letter from Mofa of Hungary, Afatdede as a honorary member of the Glorius Bosnian Parliment try to open a session at Parliment about the issue. The head of the parliment could not understand why the Mofa of the Hungary did not contact him directly and send his letter over Kumans. But he decide to open a session for this issue. 

Actually the Germans have a point, why do they sent another ambador while we fight at Germany for the resistance and come back to Bosnia everyday. 

The ambador must seek aproval at their fatherland, Hungary and than move to Bosnia than back to Germany. That is a 3 golds trip. Also, he has a pet now, he cannot go to a trip while his pet stayed at home. 

By the way, I dont understand why our alliance thratened Mighty Bosnian Nation? 

Anyway, I will work at Germany while I fight for resistance at Germany and I can keep daily 2 golds moving cost. At that time Germans defend the bonuses for us. 

The Kumangaard Chorus. 


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