Publicēts Croatia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 04 Mar 2021 05:20 - 18
I would like to congratulate you, last update and drawings you made for new battles backgrounds are splendid! exactly what we needed!
Latest update is awsome, like always. I can see your are still holding hard on your goals while implementing new stuff, simple, refreshing, without boring stuff like economy and code correction.
But, despite all this great stuff introduced this week I can see you have a problem finding background for naval battles. Non of implemented backgrounds have sea and ships so I was following your example, i have invested some time and effort and painted one.

Maybe it is not beautiful like yours but it have ships (and sub!)!
I'm not greedy like some, you can take it for free. :D
Keep on, great job!

Latest update is awsome, like always. I can see your are still holding hard on your goals while implementing new stuff, simple, refreshing, without boring stuff like economy and code correction.
But, despite all this great stuff introduced this week I can see you have a problem finding background for naval battles. Non of implemented backgrounds have sea and ships so I was following your example, i have invested some time and effort and painted one.

Maybe it is not beautiful like yours but it have ships (and sub!)!
I'm not greedy like some, you can take it for free. :D
Keep on, great job!

DondarrionKhalidIbnAlWalidspageBunnyLiuDacianCaptain HarlockR I OPMihaiJerryZGBasminasminasminPony of DarknessLoving PabloMrBogdanK o BDandelion MesterkI55myAr53samyvbnBaba VossdrogandrogandroganGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonKromionKomentāri (18)


hahahaah gle ima i batašin probušen šlauf hahaha vote

nice pic hido


No Airs, no vote

Lepoe 😍

Very good. Voted

Tru story

Better background than the admin one!

There is more water on the land background than in the naval one hahaha


haha.... Great ! 

No Vušš No Bumm

good job ı like it 

Lol. beardy Cap from World of Warships 

erev games have a lot of, well, derived stuff from other video games, so I think any screenshot from World of Warships would be fine.

Nicely done Disko.