Publicēts Romania - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 21 May 2021 14:44 - 3
Lasă-ți viața să danseze ușor pe marginea timpului ca o picătură de rouă pe vârful unei frunze.
Melissa Hayden
Let your waddle dance lightly on the silt of time like a drop of dew on the top of a leaf.
Melissa Hayden
"This is a gadget to train to lift the mouth corners and make the smile more symmetrical."
“A naturally rose-shaped turkey tail mushroom”
“The hotel reception is below the swimming pool.”
“Man locks his head in a cage in an attempt to quit smoking. Wife has the key and only opens it for meals.”
“This is the Grand Lisboa, a five-star hotel as seen from the streets of Macau, China. The picture, titled ‘The Invasion,’ was taken by Paul Tsui and honored by National Geographic as one of the winners of their 2018 Travel Photographer of the Year contest.”
“Camouflaged snake.”
Iată-ne ajunși la finalul acestui episod al pozuțelor de vineri, nu-mi rămâne decât să vă salut călduros și să vă urez toate cele bune. Lăsați toate grijile deoparte și bucurați-vă de viață, weekend minunat oameni dragi!
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să zâmbiți!!!
P.s. La mulți ani Constantinilor și Elenelor să fiți sănătoși!
Here we are at the end of this episode of Friday's pics, all I can do is greet you warmly and wish you all the best. Put all worries aside and enjoy life, wonderful weekend dear people!
Take care of your souls and don't forget to smile !!!
MrBogdanB A R O NparazituDe OblandosesebiPony of DarknesspedrositoBuckwheat McCoyevilgodVoyvodaOdVutrenagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895nagant895FefeleagaastonrivllvisatorvisatorBabacuNutritionistulAlgore77dragica1KizaganKizaganKizaganZeparZeparZeparZeparZeparhellspawndgyx1983Florin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin IFlorin Ijdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106jdee106Komentāri (3)

I must be blind. Snake in the grass

As usually, my tween sister Bunny is enchanting us with amazing visual content...
God Bless You, sweet BunnyLiu !