Publicēts Romania - Karadarbības analīze - 17 Feb 2024 12:41 - 28
Did you know that Romania has more damage in last 7 days than every country out of Top 5 combined (41 countries) and it's not even close
I will be discussing my personal thoughts about wars and countries' firepower based on last 7 days damage that is provided by game (I have no other real way of finding real firepower of country)
Let's look at Romania' and their friend Germany's damage combined

They are just OP, way too overpowered and it's killing the game
There is no real opposition for them. Greece, Turkey, Serbia... Everyone is afraid of fighting against Romania or there is no point of fighting them, unless power is distributed equally.
If Top 12 countries split in 2 parties and Romania was alone, it would be more fair:

This is just an example. Romania wouldn't be alone, but these would be main powers. They'd also have 5 smaller countries (MPP). These 3 parties would be fighting amongst each other and not 2 vs Romania
As Casper Hauser suggested in chat this was the case for the last 3 years. As I've been away from game, I am not competent on this, but I think it would be more fun having more wars, rather than having peace. At the moment there is nothing to do in game other than 2 click
The point is, there is nobody attacking Romania. They are just stacking up, getting their inventory bigger. Other people are either joining them or also getting their inventory bigger but at higher cost. There is just nothing really happening and I'd like a war
Once again, this distribution is just theoretical, an example, may be very unfair. But the idea is the same - Romania is too successful and people can't catch up
I will be discussing my personal thoughts about wars and countries' firepower based on last 7 days damage that is provided by game (I have no other real way of finding real firepower of country)
Let's look at Romania' and their friend Germany's damage combined

They are just OP, way too overpowered and it's killing the game
There is no real opposition for them. Greece, Turkey, Serbia... Everyone is afraid of fighting against Romania or there is no point of fighting them, unless power is distributed equally.
If Top 12 countries split in 2 parties and Romania was alone, it would be more fair:

This is just an example. Romania wouldn't be alone, but these would be main powers. They'd also have 5 smaller countries (MPP). These 3 parties would be fighting amongst each other and not 2 vs Romania
As Casper Hauser suggested in chat this was the case for the last 3 years. As I've been away from game, I am not competent on this, but I think it would be more fun having more wars, rather than having peace. At the moment there is nothing to do in game other than 2 click
The point is, there is nobody attacking Romania. They are just stacking up, getting their inventory bigger. Other people are either joining them or also getting their inventory bigger but at higher cost. There is just nothing really happening and I'd like a war
Once again, this distribution is just theoretical, an example, may be very unfair. But the idea is the same - Romania is too successful and people can't catch up
spageKromionM SorinRodinelkyniksapArminatoringGuvidobeliksJanGo777Komentāri (28)

Please point out my mistakes, I wrote this article at midnight so I'm sure there are plenty of those

Issue is not Romania being too strong, others are too weak 

MrBogdan still, the issue is power difference (not just firepower but economic, people and so on)

"The point is, there is nobody attacking Romania. They are just stacking up, getting their inventory bigger"
Then how is able Romania to deal that amount of damage if they are getting their inventory bigger ? With what ?

titziano I think by just hitting with energy or low quality weapons because on average, Romania deals around 4.3 million per 1 hit and is on 7th place after Sweden, Israel, Greece, Argentina, Germany and Japan. It differs because of citizens' strength, level and so on, Also Japan and Israel have been firing all they have. Of course Romania still uses Q7 airs, RPGs and other stuff too. It's somewhat less than others

Add Israel and we overtake those Romanians

Bad alliances from the start. A little bit of greed from Romania, combined with huge greed from a small country that I do not care enough to name, ruined this huge opportunity for balanced alliances. Even after the huge difference in alliance damage they showed even more greed by getting all the small countries out of top 10.

GoDFaTHeR I don't know what happened. If you wouldn't mind me asking, could you elaborate more?

Total dmg 75 vs 73!!!!? , unbalanced ally !!!! Germany must be alone again 😂😂😂😂

Long story short, because I saw this imbalance coming when we divided the top 10 countries, I asked for Poland to be on our side, just to test the waters by saying without Poland Greece cannot accept and the next day there was an article with Poland on the other alliance and without any further discussion. I do not know if it would change anything, but it shows the attitude.

Problem is not Romania, the real problem is the incompetence of other countries to attract more people from their countries to play and make BB. Don't point the finger at RO for being overpowered on its own, look into your backyard first and see your incompetence!

Only Japan is Empire in this game !!!

Mate, i think players are doing more than their part to keep this game alive. We still need map for this game (something i was saying since we got map, as this one its not design for this game and its simple bad). There is way to many farms, dead countries with lots of regions that are just used as farms. We also needed better system of creating alliances. I wrote article about it 7 years ago and suggestion how to do it. Now, alliances are not only problem in game.. there is lots of other issues that needs to be addreseed by admin. Just about month ago i wrote article about DO how it needs to be updated, with suggested 2 temp Hyper bars. It would greatly help with activity in game. Few days later admin did update DO, with ...5 Ebars.. so with majority of active players having over 30 000 energy, admin updated DO from 400 energy to 1000.. So reward is 1 click in battles... Whoopsy doo with that. How does that change anything. Its just one small example. Entire game needs to be updated to make it more interesting, and main job is up to admin not players.

You are forgetting, intentional or not, to say that when alliances were change, not even one country accepted to be in the same alliance with Germany.
Why are you saying Ro was a bit greedy...? Just because we struggled to revive a dead game... and you cannot deny that....
And again.. You are mistakin when you say we got the top small countries.. Your alliance moved first on that matter and signed many alliances with many small countries of your choice.

We keep arguing about who killed the game, while we started to play with our ex enemies just to try to revive the game. Game is balanced now? No, but is more than it was. And the person who is guilty for this unbalanced situation is admin. Because he just try to destroy everything rather then try to bring other people in the game. If you want to change something, first try to put some presure on him

Yoh are also sayingthat there is a HUGE difference in damage....
Please do the math and add all the damage from last 7 days and you will se that actually we are behind...

Dmg of last 7 days is a way biased statistic.

I am doing the calculations, maybe you are missing something, only Romania+Germany+Brazil have more damage than all the countries on our side. I am not counting France, Poland, Hungary, Fyrom etc.

Ok you are right
Ro- Ger - Bra - Fr - Pol -
Gre - Ser - Tur - Cro -Bos - Isr - Arg 78.551.526.079.477
This is a huge difference? I dont think so.

GoDFaTHeR You are forgetting, intentional or not, to say that when alliances were change, not even one country accepted to be in the same alliance with Germany. x100

Not the countries or people game itself is bad managed. I will give you one example. There was life kits everybody remember those right? There was no limit for life kits and they were stackable so when one of the country dont fight enough time they were became very poverfull. because of this reason(nearly unlimited energy) admin replece life kits with hyper bars and they made a rule. they said you can only have 1 hyper bar in your inventory. That was good but after a little time there was temp hyper bars and pets. Now system is worse bacause there was a lot of people with unlimited energy. especially when lucy dice event ongoing high energy pool players have unlimited energy.
What we understand all from this? Admin changed 1 future to limit energy but give other futures to make unlimited energy to players. Nice move admin.

You cant look at dmg based on short period of time. Its like watching Inter Milan vs Salernitana, and you look at second half only, regular time and say well in second half up to 90th min it was 0-0 so they are equal teams. But ignore fact that Inter scored 3 in first half and 1 in 91", so game was 4-0 for Inter.. " If you want to compare dmg of any country in any way, you need to look bit more than 7 days to get proper idea.. maybe 2 months??

titziano If you do the Math, Greece hits x6 to be up there, definitely it is not possible/sustainable in the long run.

Croatia and Serbia are in 2-click , only farming

Why you put Greece with Germany?
We don't like that.

oh noooooooo kromion

I love Greece and Germany together

Want to make it more even Give back all the lands you took from people let them have the manufacturing resource you have stolen. They will get stronger to beat you...