Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Karadarbības analīze - 17 Apr 2016 08:01 - 6
Yes, the admins have just added a new weekly event, a journey, but very dangerous journey. If you don't wanna die, better don't go to this journey, but if you are not afraid of death go ahead, make the suicide. Jump into the lake.. God be with you

Subscribe if you didn't choose to jump.

Subscribe if you didn't choose to jump.
ATEHTATOPOTKomentāri (6) - Weekly event - Suicide - Journey to hell


Lol, my father and mother did tell me at the past, that i can be anything what i want. So i choose to be a little submarine 

ahahah funny

@megafaszomnemkell special ability 

hahaha admins way of balancing game