
Rapin - Avīze no Japan -

Publicēts Japan - Politiskās debates un analīze - 29 Apr 2016 09:48 - 23

Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native. 
I write for the first time of my life an article in english.
If you want to correct me you're WELCOME !

Why ?
I was a good citizen who pretended one month ago of being Amaterasu party president. 
I received a message from Shiro, he asking me to remove my candidature, but I didn't accepted it. 
After that I was banned of Amaterasu MU.
He banned me ? Yume Hime the princess of Japan ?
Baka nano ?
After this I decided to create Shogun MU.
After a while YouGodMe our Emperor decided to be a 2-click player and vEmperor Shiro be our new Emperor and nakituminayashi become our vEmperor

Today vEmperor nakituminayashi publish an article Japanese Economical Decree (JED).
-Salary = 45 JPY maximum.
-Sell gold between 160-170 JPY.
-Sell JPY = 0,007 gold maximum.
Negative Consequences if you don't follow.
-Removed from all government MU.
-Can't be a Congressman.
-Blacklisted for all current and future project.

Positive Consequences if you don't follow.
-Forced to join Shogun.
-Congresswoman allowed.
-Whitelisted by France and Ukraine.
-Ruin economy
#eRevollution #Shogun #congress #o7 

Economic impact ?
A) Before
B) After

I earn 100 JPY by worker. 
A) I pay worker 60 JPY, he earn lot (60 JPY). I earn less (40 JPY).
B) I pay worker 45 JPY, he earn less (45 JPY. I earn lot (55 JPY)
-Make rich bosses more rich.

I'm a poor bosses.
A) Poor bosses can't pay more than 45 JPY because he earn only 50 JPY by worker.
B) Poor bosses can earn 5 JPY by worker
-Make poor more rich.

This idea look good for poor ? Egality is comming ? 
Buy a brain ? Let's know more.

Japanese National Census (JNC).
Get worker and be qualified depends of the type of your company and the quality of your company.

Rich bosses will get worker.
A) High salary = lot of worker (NO JNC).
B) High quality company = lot of worker (JNC).
-To get worker you need good company.

Rich bosses earn.

A) 45 x Worker 
B) 55 x Worker 
-Worker will earn less.

Poor bosses earn.
A) Low salary = No worker
B) Low quality company = No worker
-Poor bosses stay poor.

If we change ?
Poor bosses stay poor.
Worker earn less.
-Rich earn more.

If objectives is to produce the best we don't need to rule economy. Rich company will always produce the best because they rule the salary. 

Japan government try to control all ?
Dictature is comming ?

I did nothing except fight and 2-click.
My voice don't have the best influence. I'm just a princess. 
I know our government make Japan strong after day and day.
I know our government invest real time all days to govern us.
I know without our government Japan will probably decrease.
I know only 10 persons will read my stupid article. 

BUT PLEASE GOVERNMENT don't be a MAFIA or a dictature. You can rule our nation better.

Thank for reading. 

Kindest regards.
Yume Hime,
Princess of Japan.


Captain HarlockVukIsakovicVukIsakovic

Komentāri (23)

Worker will earn less ? JNC promise : ✔ Standard 45 JPY daily salary from your employer/boss ✔ Additional 10 JPY daily bonus from Government ✔ Additional 200 energy bonus every day, also from Government 200 energy = 15 JPY Total = 70 JPY This part is wrong BUT I agree you fix economy will ruin economy.
What about first part of article regarding dictatorship
I Thought being an Emperor in this game is basically the same as being a Dictator, only with a different title.
Yume Hime neznam o čemu ti pričaš oko plača :/ pogledaj si MM vaš tj japanski taj I place..još vi imate bolji MM nego HR...a to kaje siro bolji političar I vi se niste u japanuu stanju se orgnizirati kao oporba I izborili za vlast to je druga stvar nego cijela ekipa pobjegli u njemaču I sada tu neke članke pišete
Your Emperor Shiro is impolite and rude person, and you can not expect nothing else of him. His team is gathered people with the same manners and values. I do not understand how can they have any allies or how can you let him to rule Japan.
@kossinuss, there is no need for you to defend Japan here, defend Japan on battleground, I dont see Croatian damage there. Tschüß ...
I believe dictatorship and imperialism is what Japan is aiming for at this time. Perhaps they ll see the light and change their ways and get back to what makes the game fun. o7
Yume Hime, full support vor you.
lol 45 JPY salary whould be like when i whould pay 31.5 FRF... i pay 103 FRF for our new players and 50-75 FRF for all others... in average i pay 82.3 FRF salary per worker... i know my salarys are very high but your salarys are internationally (worker salarys around 0.5g are common for international workers) low with 60 JPY... and you want to lower them even more? bye japan... Laugh also: if i take a look of your monetary market/weapon market your economy is allready ruined... Wink
Comedy. Make your own political party, I don t see the problem?
@RAF Next to salaries, people get weapons and energy. Please be ignorant on some other place
It s all true, our emperor is a bad guy! He will whip even if we don t work :rotfl:
Shiro has done extremely good job in Japan. Considering we can t even compare to nations with 1k+ citizen the Japanese attack strength is on par with that of Ukraine,Turkey and etc. Daily supplies for the active Amaterasu members are accurate and on time. I wonder who else in the eRev world offers you so much as our MU? This article is pure joke and a weak attempt to make bad name of our leaders. Ignore.
You are just blind Erutan.
Strange things went on in Japan and are probably still online, I m glad to see some people speaking about it out loud, I m supporting you !
All enemies of Emperor will be publicly wiped.Like you see preparations started :
lol epic comment
My God... End this s*** of Emperors vEmperors... if nobody told you guys.... you look... REALLY, but REALLY CHILDISH Nvm I support you lol
Hime good )) V