A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 29 May 2016 16:52 - 11

I am back America! This time to tell you about my platform for this campaign. It is a simple one really, but it will lead us onto a road of prosperity and progress that we need in this transitioning period. Well, I'm not one for adding pleasant "filling" into my articles, so I will just be straightforward and get into my platform.

Foreign Affairs:
- With our recent joining in the new alliance MDP, I look to play an active role within the alliance to defend our allies and build upon our current relationships.
- Many people have expressed their anger towards Mexico for their "backstabbing", and a smaller, but similar, sentiment towards Japan. As President, I cannot and will not take any actions against our new allies, and will do my best to mend relations between us.

- I will open talks with Japan, Indonesia, Canada, and Mexico about returning some of our cores (more specifically Idaho and South Dakota). This will increase our access and bonuses to Oil and Graphite.
- I will be injecting money into the US monetary market to increase the flow of USD into the economy, while also providing more gold into our treasury to help fund domestic programs and consistent battles.
- I will propose to congress a strength building program that will reward young active citizens, by providing gold that will over time allow them to boost the levels of their training centers, which in addition with the admin's recent efforts to increase strength will help build up our fighting force. This program should have a level cap of 25, however congress may negotiate it to a higher or lower level.
- Under my administration, we will look to do a minimum wage increase, while not compromising the security of small businesses. Although I would prefer a 5 USD minimum wage, it is not a viable option as many small businesses will not be able to afford it, leading to only a more crippled economy. Instead, I will be proposing a 3 USD minimum wage, in addition to another proposal for small monthly loans to companies in need of istance to help transition to the new minimum wage.

- I will maintain a consistent flow of battles  so that our citizens can continue to get gold through TA, TP, and BH medals, as well as level up and increase their military rank.
- I will also be instituting a reform to our current national MU, the rUSA Militia, which will include a proposal for increased funding.
- I will ensure increased preparation and coordination in our battles, by ensuring that all our nation's MU's have a place in my National Security Council.

- My administration will be very transparent with a plethora of articles updating and informing the public of what is going on in their executive and legislative branches.
- Creation of the Speakers Voice (SV) to increase transparency with the happenings of Congress.
- There will be a DoD Order whenever we have a battle (so every day)
- The WHPR will be posted weekly, but I will be pushing my cabinet to post them bi-weekly to further ensure transparency.
- The State of the Union Adress will be posted 3 times during my presidency. Once in the beginning, middle, and end of my term.

Don't forget to tune in on May 31st to see who will be in Cabinet!!
If you haven't already, make sure to fill out this survey, Government and Opinions Survey


Leroy Combs

Komentāri (11)

For a platform to set America on the road forward!
[TK] The Road Forward https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/7280 Vote | Comment | Shout
OK so looking at the platform I can ask a few important questions: Foreign Affairs - Nothing to declare here. Looks good. Economics - A few concerning points: 1. Increasing the workout area costs at least 10g to Q2 and then 70g to Q3, so let s imagine for a second you want to get 30 players to Q2, we d be talking about 300g in one strike. It s a large sum of gold and new players have the beginner training ground as an extra provided by the admins. So tell me, why do you wish to put this huge expense into motion? We may need the gold in case of invasion or to keep the economy safe. Also why increasing the minimum wage? Increasing the minimum wage only works if there s consumption ecause then the normal citizen has a biger purchase power, otherwise it will just hit the small business owners. Military: 1. Good on reforming rUSM Militia but the entire military system may need an overhaul. Maybe giving each MU a different purpose and sit down to debate solutions? Media: All good, except for the Speaker s Voice. Unfortunately we don t have orgs in this game so we can t simply make a newspaper to make it official regarding Congress. Only way to do it is to rely on the Speaker to simply write a report on what is going on in Congress. This is a job for the Congressional leadership, not really something the Executive should poke it s nose on. Where is the Domestic Policy section? :o
I think admin granting extra training for newbies would allow them to gain strength faster anyways and Q2 training would be set for them with that many SS medals so I don t really see point in donating any gold to newbies for this. It will cost a lot for any Q3 support. And as Abe pointed out Increasing the minimum wage only works if there s consumption because then the normal citizen has a bigger purchase power, otherwise it will just hit the small business owners. I was thinking about voting out of Federalist but minimum wage increase will get me no where. Looks like I won t be voting for anyone this month.
@Abe 1. There the program is definitely not a lump sum investment. It will be SMALL amounts of gold invested over time. It will take a while for players to level up their training grounds even with this program, but it will definitely speed up the process, allowing our players to deal more damage in case of an invasion. 2. I would like to increase the minimum wage to help boost consumption by players having excess USD to spend, as well as increasing the flow of USD. I also stated a program which I plan to put in place, pending congressional approval, to assist small businesses in need through this transitional process. 3. Through the NSC I plan for every US MU to have a place to debate and coordinate military matters. As for having different purposes, I assume you mean one being an invasion force, one for homeland, ect. I do see a problem with this as all MUs except the rUSA Militia are private ones and we cannot just tell them you do this, ect. 4. I understand the unfortunate lack of orgs in the game. I was meaning for the SoH to use his personal newspaper to give updates on Congress. True it is congressional leaderships ultimate choice, but I will ensure I heavily urge for the SoH to do so. 5. Domestic policy is much more subtle, the new strength program, loan program to small business owners, maybe state funded lotteries, continued game nights and radio shows. I didn t want to focus this article on any continuations or possibilities. Only things I definitely intend to add or change.
@Talesweaver 1. the donation of gold to the newbies will help them in the long run. The admin s will only help for so long. And if we give SMALL donations of gold over time, eventually they will be able to level up their main training center. This is mainly to help the level 20s, of course with a level cap of 25. This will mainly level up to training center level 2, and maybe 3 for the exceedingly active citizens. 2. This minimum wage increase is only 2 USD, 1 USD wages is what I consider the exploitation of workers. It s basically a commune. People can t make enough money to buy anything with a 1 USD salary with 15% work tax on top. Raising it to 3 will allow for a greater accumulation over time, reducing the need for MUs to shell out so many supps, and encouraging citizens to buy products off the market, once again boosting the flow of USD and consumption in the economy. Once again for anyone who is concerned, there is a proposed loan program for small businesses to get through this transitional period, so there is no reason for any company to not be able to afford a 2 USD increase. Once again this only will affect companies that are paying minimum wage, effectively exploiting their workers for goods. Players need a livable wage to encourage spending.
Looks like there is difference in our point of view. First of all. 1 USD is exploitation BUT, there is plenty of offer in job market that is ABOVE 1 USD. There is no reason for anyone will be taking 1 USD job offer unless they are massing ALTs to work in a factory. This game is not based on Level = productivity nor has Economic skill system... And seriously, how many people will take lower paying job in RL? Whether new to this type of game or not, I would like to think people are smart enough to choose a job that will pay a lot more especially if work conditions are same.
Secondly, Raising Min Work wage will not Boost consumption if people decides they need to save up to get TC upgrades or to save up so they can purchase supplies when needed. For example, While I was trying to upgrade my TC I saved and traded USD whenever I had enough. Other wise from my experiences in different game some will always choose to hold on to CC in order to purchases. I know they were holding on to it because during war time, I would get majority... over 80% of those CC back.
Lastly, it is personal opinion but USD is crap not worthwhile holding on to. Some of the products that are on market is over priced and I believe I can get better deals buying through gold. Also in similar note... Monetary Market exchange is bad and I m not willing to sell stuff for USD when I can sell products for gold.
Anyways, I believe government should try new forms of system if old one proves to be faulty instead of patching those faulty spots and hope no one can spot them. (in RL I mean and I don t see why it should apply to in game as well). I m Okay with you trying to change up government, just NOT minimum wage part. I didn t bother checking so if working in my factory costs me CC Like in PLATO. Hm... I will be furious if not, I will just` be irritated through upping USD. Because i do offer 1 USD work in exchange of 80~90 daily food for work you do in my food factory... Which isn t efficient but okay I guess.
Wow this campaign is heated I will Just grab some popcorn😋 and watch from the sidelines😎