A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 09 Jun 2016 12:34 - 6

Hello everyone! As stated in the latest PrP Article, we are a group of citizens bonded together by sharing similar ideologies. However, besides a basic party platform that lays out general stances, PrP allows every candidate express him/herself with their own specific platform that allows them to fight for what they believe in and are pionate about. Anyways, let's get right to what I would like to focus on this upcoming Congressional term, should I be elected into Congress.

1. I Want to Build a Strong Economy
I plan to do this through supporting several injections of CC onto the monetary market to devalue the excessively high worth of the USD. However, I will not stop there, I also want to help strengthen the economy by increasing the circulation of USD, and prevent the exploitation of fellow American Workers. To do this I will be pushing for a minimum wage increase to 3 or more USD (no more than 5) , depending on how negotiations and discussion goes in Congress. In addition to all of this, I will be pushing for increased VAT and Import taxes, to discourage foreign competition in our markets, making our industries for profitable for American businesses.

2. I Want a Capable Military
I am against the nationalization of both Seal Team 6 and the Contract Army in conjunction with the already National MU, the rUSA Militia. This will require the funding of all 3 military units, something that I oppose and will actively fight in Congress. However, I would rather, and will support, increased government contracts with local AMERICAN businesses to better supply our soldiers with food and weapons to increase our damage in our War with Spain, and while helping our allies in other battles against UNITY in Europe and abroad.

Those are my two main points that I plan to focus on over the next term in Congress, should I be elected. So before I end this I would like to just encourage any American citizens without a party to take a strong look at the PrP when considering which party to join, and I would also like to urge all active PrP members - new or old - to run for Congress this month. I look to maintain the PrP majority in Congress, but we cannot do it without you!


Komentāri (6)

Nice title Cheeky I wonder where you got it ;D
o7 to PRP
@Abe at first I had no clue what you meant. I went and checked your old articles and found the article you were referring to. Cheeky I had no clue prior to now, still haven t read it Wink
Nice article.