The Galaxy Gazzete

Publicēts United States of America - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 17 Jun 2016 19:34 - 25

Hello fellow eRevollution citizens and players! My name is HunBurry, and I am the head of the Department of Citizen Affairs (Interior and Education). I am here today to share with you, the players, as well as the admins and moderators some ideas me and my partner Trumpets have been working on. The goal of the ideas is as follows:

    Improve the fun of the game for everyone
    Open up more positions for players to take over and get involved in
    Allow citizens to take up complaints against other citizens without the need of admins. 
    Allow for punishment to be chosen for certain crimes by peers.
    And more.

We hope that you all like our suggestions, and if you do, please show your support by liking the article, dropping a comment, or even republishing to your newspaper.

Idea 1: Court System

We propose a Court System be added to the game so that actual laws may be implemented into the game, and citizens have more things they can do in the government. The idea is as follows:

A court system is added to the game. There are three types of courts; civil, criminal, and supreme. Both the civil and criminal courts are presided over by one judge, while the Supreme Court is presided over by three judges. These would be figures appointed by the President, and serve the same term. In civil court, citizens can try another citizen (given a legitimate reason that must be considered so by the judge) for scamming, trading deals, business partnership deals gone wrong, and more. In criminal cases, the government can try a citizen for breaking Constitutional laws. This could include violating citizenship laws, byping Congressional approval for certain procedures, and more. In both cases, the judge would hear both sides of the case then rule. This ruling can be appealed to the Supreme Court, where three judges will hear all appeals and decide. After this, the admins can decide any further appeals.  In conclusion:

    The court system would allow players more positions in the government, increasing chances for player activity.
    There would be a total of 5 judges.
    Each judge is chosen by the President.
    Civil courts hold trials between citizens.
    Criminal courts hold trials between governments and citizens.
    Supreme Court has overall rule.
    Admins can overturn any ruling. 

Idea 2: New Message Coding Option

Another idea we propose is to offer a new coding option in the messages. This would be the {Citizen_Name} code. The purpose of this code would be so that in welcome messages and recruitment messages, leaders could use the code so there message says the citizen’s name. By doing this, the message is more personal, and players are more likely to respond and stay interested.

Idea 3: Alliance System

A third idea we have is an alliance system. Similar to in real life how we have NATO and other military alliances, we could have an in-game system to allow alliances to cooperate. There could be an alliance military order to show the priorities, along with a private shoutbox, trading room, and more. This way, allies are able to work with each other through military support, economic trade, and more.

Idea 4: Organizations

The final idea we propose in national and military organizations. With organizations, the government and military units will be allowed to manage resources more adequately. Militaries units could produce their own food and weapons for their members. They could then easily sort these out to their members and spread them out as needed, without leaders having to use personal companies to make the resources. Another use would be for national organizations. For instance, the Department of Interior Management could have a national organization so that he/she could produce food and weapons for new users, people low on money, etc. These organizations would be created through funds from the military units or the government, and would be maintained and ped on to whomever the current leader is. Furthermore, this could open the opportunity in the future for private organizations, and then maybe even a stock market.

If you  have any questions about these ideas, post them in the comments or PM me and I will answer to the best of my ability.


Komentāri (25)

First denied!
Agreed (y)
love it !!!
Agreed we NEED THE ORGS Laugh
need orgs with out daily gold limit but players need 10g limit / day.
Agreed, we need orgs.
I like the 1st idea but it is too complicated and because of that it might not work properly. I think there should be only one court dealing with all matters, and it should have 5 judges. Of course it is still complicated and the admins would need to think this thoroughly before even thinking of implementing it, but it can be done. 2nd idea is an easy one to implement and I think it should be done. 3rd idea is a good one. The game is missing some very important features when it comes to players communicating with each other and adding your idea to the game would certainly help improve this field. 4th idea is also great and I have nothing to add for it. I hope this article reaches the admins. Voted!
s202 v22
V + S
Great ideas! I hope they get added, if not to the game itself, perhaps to the eRev Forums. They ll increase activity either way.