Објавено во Turkey - Финансиски бизнис - 24 Jun 2016 03:56 - 11
I am writing this article to present some offers, that I am trying to implement, in a way that will help small community of Albania in this game to grow.
But only me is not enough.
My first offer is : Producers
In Albania we need products in the market, all kind of products, but mostly raw products.
So for everyone who wants to buy a market license for Albania, I will give 10g back. So you spend only 10g. The import tax will be at 1%, the lowest possible, and VAT also 1-3%
If you are interested, please write me a mail so we can do this process easy and efficient.
Kind Regards
The Fallen
Коментари (11)

RISING A COUNTRY - HELPING THE COMMUNITY https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/10463 shout


V+S TheFallen i am going to invest there 

Thank you Rrragnar. You are welcome.

v o7 i want to help ur country i writed to u

Congrats for new 3 traders in Albanian market.